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Green's Function Multi Grain Poly- Si TFT Single Grain boundary Poly- Si TFT Double Gate Poly- Si TFT Different Dielectric Poly- Si TFT Multi material Gate Poly- Si TFT Triangular Potential Well Gate Stack MOSFET Two dimensional Gate Stack MOSFET

A warm welcome to my website.

While touring to my website you will explore about Dr. Amit Sehgal

Biography, Resume, Hobbies and interests etc.

Research topics such as Poly-silicon TFTs, Gate-engineered devices, Sub-100nm MOSFETs

The research topics comprises of modeling aspects of these devices.

You will also find cited publications in the field of microelectronics about these research topics.

The website comprises of dissertation of Dr. Amit Sehgal on poly-crystalline silicon TFT.

It also have useful links to popular websites such as cited journals in the field of microelectronics, software's, games, source codes.

