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e-PG Pathshala by NMEICT and UGC, Modules of Paper 5: Organic chemistry-2 (Reaction Mechanisms), Paper 12: Organic spectroscopy and Paper 14: Disconnection Approach

  1. CHE_P5_M1 Types of organic reactions
  2. CHE_P5_M2 Overview of different types of organic reaction mechanisms
  3. CHE_P5_M3 Thermodynamics and kinetic requirements of a reaction
  4. CHE_P5_M4 Intermediates, transition states, potential energy diagrams and Hammond postulate
  5. CHE_P5_M5 Methods of determining mechanism and isotope effects
  6. CHE_P5_M6 Generation, structure, stability and reactivity of carbocations
  7. CHE_P5_M7 Generation, structure, stability and reactivity of carbanions
  8. CHE_P5_M8 Generation, structure, stability and reactivity of free radicals
  9. CHE_P5_M9 Reactive intermediates: Carbenes and nitrenes
  10. CHE_P5_M10 Linear free energy relationship, the hammett equation and substituent and reaction constants
  11. CHE_P5_M31 Diazonium coupling, Vilsmeir reaction and Gattermann-Koch reaction
  12. CHE_P5_M35 The Von Richter, Sommlet-Hauser and Smiles rearrangements
  13. CHE_P12_M24 Mass spectrometery:Theory, instrumentation and modifications
  14. CHE_P12_M25 Terms in mass spectrometery, nitrogen rule, rule of thirteen and isotopic abundance
  15. CHE_P12_M26 General fragmentation rules
  16. CHE_P12_M27 Fragmentation of various classes of organic molecules
  17. CHE_P12_M228 Alpha, beta, allylic, benzylic cleavage and Mclafferty rearrangement
  18. CHE_P12_M32 Combined problem on UV, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass-Part IV
  19. CHE_P12_M34 Combined problem on UV, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Mass-Part VI
  20. CHE_P14_M16 Total synthesis of complex organic compounds using disconnection approaches