CSC Sekhar
Agricultural Economics Research Centre
Delhi School of Economics campus
University of Delhi
Delhi - 110 007
Ph: 91-11- 2766 7648, 27666173
98107 24231 (Mobile)
M.Phil (Economics), Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University L.LB (Bachelor
of Laws), Delhi University
Awards / Honours
i) D.K Desai Award for
the best research paper published in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
during the year 2003
ii) Medal Finalist for outstanding research on development in the Fifth Annual
Global Development Network Conference (GDN), New Delhi, Jan 27-29, 2004
'Economic Growth, Social Development and Interest Groups, Economic and
Political Weekly, Vol 40, No 50. Dec 10-16. 2005, pp. 5338-5346
ii) 'Agricultural Price Volatility in International and Indian Markets', Economic
and Political Weekly, Vol XXXIX, No 43, Oct 23-39, 2004, pp
iii) 'Determinants of Price in World Wheat Markets - Hidden Lessons for
Indian Policy Makers?', Indian Economic Review, July-Dec 2003, Vol.
XXXVIII, No.2, pp 167-187
iv) 'Price
Formation in World Wheat Markets - Implications for Policy', Journal of
Policy Modeling (North-Holland), Vol 25, Issue 1, January 2003, pp
v) 'Agricultural
Trade Liberalisation - Likely Implications for Rice Sector in India', Indian
Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol 58, No 1, Jan-Mar,
vi) 'Indo-EU Relations in Agriculture - An Appraisal with Focus on WTO Related
Issues' in 'India and the Europeon Union' on the occasion of
Third EU-India Summit, Copenhagen, October 2002
vii) 'Agriculture and Rural Development - Need for Reforms', Artha
Vijnana , Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Vol. XLIV, No.
1, March 2002, pp 47-61
Previous Positions
Fellow, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations
(ICRIER), New Delhi - 1 (December 2001- December 2003)
2 Consultant, Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad -
50027 (India) (May 1993 - February 1995)
Select Reports/Publications at AER Centre (Delhi University)
i) Assessing the Existing Training and Testing Facilities for Farm Machinery in
Haryana (2001)
ii) Sources of Agricultural Growth in Semi-Arid Regions: A Case Study of
Haryana (1998)
iii) Bovine and Dairy Development in Andhra Pradesh - A Study of the Telangana
Region (1996) - co-authored
iv) Infrastructure Enumeration for Decentralized Planning (1992)
v) Growth and Variability in Agriculture of Punjab and Haryana - A Districtwise
Analysis (1990)
vi) Agricultural Database for North-West India (1989)