Devesh Vijay
Indian Express
8/2/06, edit page.
Mofussil India
A visit to Indian townships such as Hapur, Hissar or
Bhiwandi today reveals considerable cultural tumult on the margins
of a new �Bharat�. Instead of slumbering qasbas of yore, these
centres are replete with glittering markets, electronic gadgets and
latest vehicles and, above all, a new generation conspicuously
different from its elders in attire and behavior as well as ambition
and confidence. Although the majority of these youngsters continue
to be extremely religious and ritualistic, they also exhibit now a
new self consciousness and readiness to break with family and
community ties for realizing �materialistic� goals increasingly. A
growing rejection of repressive mores and the replacement of the
humble �pranam� with the more equitous �hi�, as a common form of
address for peers as well as elders, is a telling symbol of this
changing milieu.
Although similar mutations have been observed in bigger cities
decades back yet, the present transformation in mofussil India is of
special importance because of its scale as well as promise of
providing a vital buffer between overcrowded metros and an
overflowing countryside in the present stage of development.
Interestingly, according to the 2001 census, the urban population of
the country has grown by six times since independence and has
increased its share of the total by more than 100%. As a result,
nearly 35 crores or 27% of Indians are living in urban areas now of
which the 4000 odd townships of less than a lakh population contain
40% of urbanites.
No doubt there is considerable variation in this mofussil boom from
region to region. Tehsil and smaller district headquarters in Bihar
and Orissa offer a very different structure of choices,
opportunities and information than those in present day Tamil Nadu
or Maharashtra. But remarkably, even in states where agricultural
and industrial growth is anaemic, the zeal and ambition of the new
generation is sufficient to force an economic transition despite
odds. Blue collar workers conversing with clients on mobiles, cyber
cafes and coaching institutes running on gensets, armies of salesmen
and courier agents, cable TV operators and the ubiquitous PCO/
photocopier/ fax booths are obvious markers of this new enterprise.
While economic transformation may still be tertiary and limited in
character, social and cultural transformation in the hamlets has
been much more radical. A striking development in all Indian towns
today, for instance, is the immense change amongst women. While
eating out may still be a rarity here and the majority of small town
girls may still be groomed for the life of a �housewife� yet, a
significant number are abandoning the long veil, driving vehicles,
seeking higher education and employment in offices and shops,
opening their own boutiques and beauty parlours, entering politics
and choosing their own spouses or, even, dragging them to courts, if
Another major change sweeping mofussil India today is the
mushrooming of educational institutes outside the staid and
inefficient government sector to fulfill the immense hunger for
English medium instruction, technical education and coaching for
competitive exams of various types. The number of candidates
appearing and, occasionally, succeeding in entrance exams for
engineering, medical and management institutes as well as fashion,
media and entertainment industries is quite remarkable even in
hamlets now.
Besides this, the growth of literacy, newspaper circulation and the
penetration of the electronic media including state owned
television, cable TV, video and CD players and, now, the internet
with an Indian language interface, has done a lot in changing the
face of suburban India in a short period. According to the National
Readership survey (2002), the total circulation of newspapers in the
country has crossed fifteen crores while the largest dailies such as
Dainik Jagran and The Hindustan Times have a circulation crossing
the million mark. At the same time, satellite television is being
watched by more than 200 million people while telephone subscription
has risen to twelve crores. Although a substantial chunk of this
boom pertains to metropolitan centers yet, maximum new growth has
been in rural and suburban India recently.
Surely, there are limits and problems also in this churning. While
economic growth is limited to a few pockets, panchayati raj has
really not empowered the dalits, women, minorities and the poor in
the manner it could have. In fact, in the absence of rapid economic
growth, the overload on politics (as a channel for upward mobility)
has led to heightened tensions and divisiveness in society.
Similarly, the cultural transition in the new generation is also not
free of contradictions and ambiguities. The rise of nuclear living
has not eased out the problems of dowry deaths, consumerism,
suicides and, now, divorces. Joblessness, crime, links between
politicians and the mafia, a growing industry of prostitution, all
point towards a general state of anomie and clash of values more
than a meaningful synthesis of the old and the new. Blue films�
posters splattered over city walls, jagratas appropriating sexy
Bollywood numbers and noisy wedding processions jamming the roads
everywhere suggest a perplexing cultural condition indeed.
Yet, this cultural flux or, even anomie, seems to be a major advance
on the long slumber of suburban India whose shell was hardly pierced
by the arrival of the railways or, even post independence planning.
The stirrings created by the recent communication revolution and a
democratic and gender upsurge in this world is historic in this
sense. Only vicious bureaucratic controls and criminalized politics
can stop it for long now.
Dr. Devesh Vijay
Reader in History
Zakir Husain College
University of Delhi
Ph: 23233420.
Res: D 14-A/2
Model Town
Ph: 9811664877 / 55470370.