All Publications

Journal Publications

S.No Publication Name
1 R. Chaudhary and H.Banati;, 2021, “Improving convergence in swarm algorithms by controlling range of random movement”, Natural Compu;ng, 10.1007/ s11047-020-09826-y. (Impact factor 1.495)
2 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati, 2020,“Study of population partitioning techniques on efficiency of swarm algorithms”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 55, 100672. (Impact Factor 6.912, SCI Expanded and Scopus Indexed) ISSN: 2210-6502
3 A.Sharma, P Munjal and H. Banati , 2020, “Entropy-based classification of trust factors for cloud computing”, Int. J. Grid and Utility Computing, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp 747-754, ISSN 1741-847X / 1741-8488, Scopus indexed, Web of Science group listg
4 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati, 2020,“Hybrid Enhanced Shuffled Bat Algorithm (HESB) for Data Clustering", Interna;onal Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), 2020, Vol.17 No.3/4, pp.323 - 341, ISSN 1755-0386,Scopus indexed
5 P Munjal, L Kumar, S Kumar, H Banati , 2019, “Evidence of Ostwald Ripening in opinion driven dynamics of mutually compe;;ve social networks”, Physica A: Sta;s;cal Mechanics and its Applica;ons, vol 522,pp 182-194, Impact factor 2.924, ISSN: 0378-4371,Scopus indexed, SCIE
6 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati ,2019, “Swarm bat algorithm with improved search (SBAIS)”. Soft Computing, 23, pp 11461–11491, Impact factor 3.050, 10.1007/ s00500-018-03688-4., Print ISSN 1432-7643, Online ISSN1433-7479,Scopus indexed
7 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati, 2019, “Weighted Mul;-Modal Bat Algorithm with Improved Search (wMMBAIS)”, Interna;onal Journal of Hybrid Intelligence, Inderscience. Vol.1 No.4, pp.326 - 361 ISSN: 2515-4273 (Print) 2515-4281 (Online)
8 N. Arora and H.Banati , 2018, “ IM-GSO: A Community Directed Group Search Op;miza;on Approach for Influence Maximiza;on”, Cyberne;cs and Systems, Vol 49:Issue 7-8, 497-520, DOI: 10.1080/01969722.2018.1542854, Print ISSN: 0196-9722 Online ISSN: 1087-6553,Scopus indexed, Impact factor 1.433
9 P. Munjal, M. Narula, S.Kumar, H. Banati, 2018, “Twiier sen;ments based sugges;ve framework to predict trends”. Journal of Sta;s;cs and Management Systems, 21(4), 685-693. (Taylor and Francis ESI Indexed), Print ISSN: 0972-0510 Online ISSN: 2169-0014,Web of Science
10 P. Munjal, D. Gaur, S. Saj, S. Kumar and H Banati,2018, “U;liza;on of Seman;c Web to Implement Social Media Enabled Online Learning Framework”, Vivekananda Journal of Research, vol 7, issue 1 , pp 81-86. (UGC)
11 Yadav P., Dahiya J., Bhardwaj K.,Kaur R., Chikkara A.,Malik A., Saxena R. and Banati H.(2017), “Dye removal studies with ionic liquids 1-ethyl 3-methyl imidazolium lactate & 2-hydroxyethyl-trimethyl-ammonium l+lactate”, International Journal of Current Research, 9, (01), 44619-44622,ISSN 0975-833X.
12 H. Banati and R. Chaudhary, 2017,“Mul@-Modal Bat Algorithm with Improved Search (MMBAIS)”, Journal of Computa;onal Science, 2017, vol. 23, pp. 130−144. Elsevier, Impact Factor: 2.644 , 5 year impact factor: 2.009, SNIP : 1.372, SJR : 0.481,ISSN 1877-7503, hips:// ,Scopus indexed
13 Banati H., Arora N., 2016 , “Detec@ng Communi@es in Complex Networks-A Discrete Hybrid Evolu@onary Approach”, Interna;onal Journal of Computers and Applica;ons, Taylor and Francis, 2016,38(1), pp.29-40. Print ISSN:1206-212X Online ISSN: 1925-7074,Scopus indexed
14 Arora N., Banati H.,”Mul@objec@ve Group Search Op@miza@on Approach for Community Detec@on in Networks”, Interna;onal journal of Applied Evolu;onary Computa;on 7(3): pp 50-70,IGIGlobal. ISSN:1942-3594| EISSN:1942-3608.
15 Banati H., Arora N., “Enabling inclusive educa@on in structured learning environments through social network analysis”, Int. J. of Innova;on in Educa;on, InderScience Publica;ons, 2014, 2(2-4), pp.151 – 167,ISSN Online:1755-1528 ISSN print:1755-151X.
16 Sonia, Singhal A. Banati H., “FISA-XP: An Agile-based Integra@on of Security Ac@vi@es with Extreme Programming” , ACM SIGSOFT Sonware Engineering Notes,May 2014 Vol 39,Issue 3, pp 1-14. ISSN:0163-5948.
17 Banati H., Mehta S., Bajaj M., “Social Behaviour based Metrics to enhance Collabora@ve Filtering”, Interna;onal Journal of Computer Informa;on Systems and Industrial Management Applica;ons,(IJCISIM), 2014, Vol 6, pp. 217 – 226. ISBN 2150-7988
18 Mehta S., Banati H.,”Context aware filtering using social behavior of frogs”, Swarm and Evolu;onary Computa;on (SCI Indexed), Vol 17,August 2014, pp 25-36, SNIP-2.756,SJR-1.411,Impact Factor 6.912,ISSN: 2210-6502,Scopus indexed.
19 Bedi,P., Thukral,A., Banati, H., “Focused Crawling of Tagged Web Resources using Ontology”, Computers and Electrical Engineering ,39(2),Elsevier, February 2013, pp 613-628. SNIP-1.164,SJR-0.565,Impact Factor 2.663, ISBN 0045-7906,Scopus indexed.
20 Banati H. , Bajaj M.,”Performance analysis of firefly algorithm for data clustering”, Interna;onal Journal of Swarm Intelligence, 2013,Vol 1, No. 1, pp 19-35, ISSN online: 2049-405X, ISSN print: 2049-4041.
21 Marwaha P., Banati H., Bedi P.. “Formalizing BPEL-TC Through π-calculus”, Interna;onal Journal of Web & Seman;c Technology (IJWesT) ,2013,Vol.4, No.3, pp. 11-21, ISBN 0976-2280.
22 Banati,H., Mehta, S.,” Improved shuffled frog leaping algorithm for con@nuous op@miza@on adapted SEVO toolbox”, Interna;onal Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms(IJAIP), 2013,Vol 5,Issue 1 / 2, pp 31-44,Inderscience Publishers, ISSN online: 1755-0394, ISSN print: 1755-0386, Scopus indexed.
23 Banati H., Bajaj M., “Evolu@onary Approach for k-Max Influence Problem”, Journal of Network and Innova;ve Compu;ng, 2013, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp 163-172, ISSN 2160-2174.(not scopus)
24 Marwaha, P.,Banati,H., Bedi,P.. ,” WSDL-TC : Temporal Customiza@on of Web Services”. Journal of Network and Innova;ve Compu;ng, Volume 1 (2013) pp. 234-247, ISSN 2160-2174. (not scopus)
25 Sharma, R., Banati,H., and Bedi,P.,” S@gmergic Agent based Adap@ve Content Sequencing in an e-Learning Environment”, Interna;onal Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), 2013, Vol.5, No.1/2: pp. 59 – 82, Inderscience Publishers,ISSN online: 1755-0394, ISSN print: 1755-0386, Scopus indexed.
26 Bedi,P., Thukral,A. , Banati, H., Behl, A., Mendiraia,V., “A mul@threaded seman@c focused crawler”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Springer, 2012,27(6),pp1233-1242,IF: 1.506, ISSN 1000-9000, Scopus indexed
27 Sharma,R., Daia,S., Banati, H, Bedi,P, “Building Socially aware e-learning Systems through Knowledge Management”, Interna;onal Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM),2012, 8(3), pp.1-27, ISSN 1548-0666, Scopus indexed
28 Sharma R., Banati H., Bedi P., “Analyzing User Interac@on to Design an Intelligent e-Learning Environment”, Interna;onal Journal on E Learning, 2011, 10 (4), pp. 441–460. Chesapeake, VA, USA: AACE. ISSN 1537-2456,Scopus indexed
29 Thukral, A.,Bedi,P., Banati,H.. “Architecture to Organize Social Seman@c Relevant Web Resources in a Knowledgebase”. Interna;onal Journal of e-Educa;on, e- Business, e-Management and e-Learning, IJEEE, April 2011, 1(1): 45-51, ISSN 2010-3654.
30 Banati H., Bajaj M., 2011,“Fire Fly Based Feature Selec@on approach”, IJCSI Interna;onal Journal of Computer Science Issues, 2011,Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 2, pp 473-480, ISSN (Online): 1694-0814,Scopus indexed
31 Thukral, A., Banati,H., Bedi,P., “Ranking Tagged Resources Using Social Seman@c Relevance”, Interna;onal Journal of Informa;on Retrieval and Research, Vol 1, Issue 3, July 2011, pp. 15-34, IGI Publishing Hershey, PA, USA ISSN: 2155-6377, EISSN: 2155-6385
32 Sonia, Singhal A.,Banati H., “Fuzzy Logic Approach for Threat Priori@za@on in Agile Security Framework using DREAD Model”, IJCSI Interna;onal Journal of Computer Science Issues, 2011, Vol. 8, Issue 4, No 1, pp 182-190, July 2011 ISSN (Online): 1694-0814,Scopus indexed
33 Banati,H. , Mehta,S., “A Mul@-perspec@ve evalua@on of MA and GA for collabora@ve filtering recommender system”, Interna;onal journal of computer science & informa;on Technology (IJCSIT) ,2010,Vol.2, No.5, pp 103-122,ISSN 0975-3826.
34 Banati, H., Bedi P., “Trust dimension to Usability”, Interna;onal Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society,2006, Vol. 2, 2006,pp 75-82.ISSN 1832-3669.
35 Bedi, P., Banati,H.,”Trust Aware Usability”, in special issue on Website Evalua;on of Journal of Informa;on Technology and Tourism, 2006, 8_3,4, pp 215-226,ISSN 1943-4294, 2006 RG Journal Impact 0.71, SJR 0.41,Scopus indexed
36 Banati,H., Bedi, P., Grover P.S., “Evalua@ng Web Usability from the User’s Perspec@ve”, Journal of Computer Science,2006, 2(4),pp 314-317, ISSN 1549-3636.SJR 0.3,Scopus indexed
37 Bedi, P., Banati, H., “Assessing User Trust to Improve Web Usability”, Journal of Computer Science 2(3), 2006, pp 283-287, ISSN 1549-3636. SJR 0.3,Scopus indexed

Conference Papers

S.No Publication Name
1 H. Banati and A. Yadav, “Binary MMBAIS Selec;on”, (2021), accepted and presented in Interna;onal Conference on Research in Computa;onal Intelligence and Communica;on Networks (ICRCICN 2021)
2 H. Banati and Seema, "Proficiency Assessment of Experts in Online Social network Q/A Communi;es," (2021) 9th Interna;onal Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Op;miza;on (Trends and Future Direc;ons) (ICRITO), 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO51393.2021.9596201
3 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati, “Peacock Algorithm”, (2019) IEEE Congress on Evolu;onary Computa;on (CEC), Wellington, New Zealand, 2019, pp. 2331-2338. (Scopus Indexed) ISBN: 978-1-7281-2153-6 hips:// CEC.2019.8790371
4 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati, (2019)"Capitalizing Diversity for Efficiency Enhancement in Mul;-Popula;on Swarm Algorithms," 10th Interna;onal Conference on Compu;ng, Communica;on and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kanpur, India, 2019, pp. 1-7. (Scopus Indexed) IEEE; ISBN: 978-1-5386-5906-9 hips://
5 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati. (2018). “Modified Shuffled Mul@-Popula@on Bat Algorithm”. 2018, Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Compu;ng, Communica;ons and Informa;cs, Bangalore, 2018, pp 943-951. 10.1109/ ICACCI.2018.8554926.
6 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati., Adaptive Multi−Swarm Bat Algorithm (AMBA). 8th International Conference Soft Computing for Problem Solving - SocProS 2018,December 17-19, 2018
7 Sharma A., Banati H. (2018), “Ethical Trust in Cloud Compu@ng Using Fuzzy Logic”. In: Wan J. et al. (eds) Cloud Compu;ng, Security, Privacy in New Compu;ng Environments. CloudComp 2016, Lecture Notes of the Ins;tute for Computer Sciences, Social Informa;cs and Telecommunica;ons Engineering, vol 197. Springer, Cham, Print-ISBN 978-3-319-69604-1,Online –ISBN 978-3-319-69605-8, DOI hips://
8 R. Chaudhary and H. Banati, "Shuffled mul@-popula@on bat algorithm (SMPbat)," 2017 Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Compu;ng, Communica;ons and Informa;cs (ICACCI), Udupi, 2017, pp. 541-547. DOI: 10.1109/ ICACCI.2017.8125873
9 P. Munjal, A. Gupta, M. Abrol, H. Banati and S. Kumar, "Social Media based Opinion Mining using Lexical Sen@ment Analysis," Interna;onal Conference on Paradigm Shin in World Economies Opportuni;es and Challenges, Delhi, 2017, pp Vol 2,pp.26-30,ISBN NO: 978-1-63535-729-5.
10 P Munjal, S Kumar, and H Banati. “Ontology development utilizing social network data attributed to drugs.” International Conference on Computers & Management (ICCM), 2017.
11 H. Banati and R. Chaudhary, "Enhanced shuffled bat algorithm (EShBAT)," 2016 Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Compu;ng, Communica;ons and Informa;cs (ICACCI), Jaipur, 2016, pp. 731-738. doi: 0.1109/ ICACCI.2016.7732134, IEEE. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-2029-4, USB ISBN: 978-1-5090-2028-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-2030-0.
12 Arora N.,and Banati H., “Enhancing Group Search Op@miza@on with Node Similari@es for Detec@ng Communi@es”, The Interna;onal Symposium on Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applica;ons , 2016, pp. 303-316. Springer Interna;onal Publishing. Print ISBN-978-3-319-47951-4.,Online ISBN-978-3-319-47952-1.
13 Arora N, and Banati H., “A framework to mine communi@es using nature inspired algorithms”, Second Interna;onal Conference on Research in Computa;onal Intelligence and Communica;ons Networks (ICRCICN), 2016, pp 198-203, IEEE. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-1047-9 CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-5090-1045-5 USB ISBN: 978-1-5090-1046-2 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-1048-6.
14 Munjal P., Arora N.,and Banati H., “Dynamics of Online Social Network based on Parametric varia@on of Rela@onship” ,Second Interna;onal Conference on Research in Computa;onal Intelligence and Communica;ons Networks (ICRCICN), 2016,pp 241 – 246, IEEE. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-1047-9 , CD- ROM ISBN: 978-1-5090-1045-5 , USB ISBN: 978-1-5090-1046-2 , Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-1048-6 .
15 Sharma A., Banati H., “A Framework for Implemen@ng Trust in Cloud Compu@ng”, Proc ICC’16, Interna;onal Conference on Internet of things and Cloud Compu;ng, March 22 - 23, 2016, Ar;cle no.6, Cambridge, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-1-4503-4063-2
16 Banati H., Arora N.,”TL-GSO: -A Hybrid Approach to Mine Communi@es from Social Networks”, in Proc. of IEEE Interna;onal Conference on Research in Computa;onal Intelligence and Communica;ons Networks (ICRCICN), 2015, pp. 145-150, IEEE.Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4673-6735-6, CD-ROM ISBN: 978-1-4673-6734-9.
17 Banati H., Arora N, “Modelling Evolu@onary Group Search Op@miza@on Approach for Community Detec@on in Social networks”, Proc Third Interna;onal Symposium on Women in Compu;ng and Informa;cs ,WCI '15, August 10 – 13, 2015, pp. 109-117,ACM, Kochi, India. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3361-0.
18 Marwaha.P , Banati, H., Bedi,P., “UDDI Extensions for Temporally Customized Web Services”, Procedia Technology Volume 10, Pages 1-998 (2013) First Interna;onal Conference on Computa;onal Intelligence: Modeling Techniques and Applica;ons (CIMTA) 2013 Edited by Jyotsna Kumar Mandal and Anirban Mukhopadhyay, pp 184-190. ISSN: 2212-0173.
19 Sonia, Singhal, A., Banati, H., “Measuring Rela;ve Importance of Agility Features Contribu;ng Towards Agility of a Sonware Process”, Proc. Finh Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communica;on and Compu;ng, ARTCom 2013,pp 201-206, Bangalore, India, Elsevier..
20 Banati,H., Bajaj M., “Promo@ng Products Online Using Firefly Algorithm”, Proc. IEEE Interna;onal Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applica;ons (ISDA), November 27-29 ,2012, Kochi, India,pp.580-585, ISSN 978-1-4673-5117-1.
21 Banati, H., Bedi,P., Marwaha.P., “WSDL-TC: Collabora@ve Customiza@on of Web Services”, Proc. IEEE Interna;onal Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applica;ons (ISDA), November 27-29,2012,Kochi, India, pp. 692-697, ISSN 978-1-4673-5117-1.
22 Banati, H., Bedi,P., Marwaha.P., “Extending BPEL for WSDL-Temporal based Web Services”, Proc. IEEE 12thInterna;onal Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), December 04-07, 2012,Pune, India, pp 484-489, ISBN 978-1-4673-5114-0.
23 Banati, H., Bedi, P.,Marwaha. P., “WSDL-Temporal: An Approach for Change Management in Web Services”, Proc. IEEE Interna;onal Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia,2012, pp 44-49. ISBN 978-1-4673-1459-6.
24 Marwaha,P., Banati H.,Yadav V.K., “Web Service Based System For Frontline Demonstra@on Of Technology In Maize’, Third Na;onal Conference on Agro Informa;cs and Precision Agriculture, IIIT Hyderabad, India, 2012,pp 320-322, ISBN 978-81-8424-772-5.
25 Mehta, S., Banati, H., “Trust aware social context filtering using Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm”, Proc. IEEE 12th Interna;onal Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), December 04-07,2012,Pune, India, pp 342-347, ISBN 978-1-4673-5114-0.
26 Sharma,R., Daia,S., Banati, H, & Bedi,P., “An opinion based framework for designing socially-aware e-Learning systems”, Proc. IEEE Interna;onal Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applica;ons (ISDA), November 27-29, Kochi, India, 2012,pp 431-436, ISSN 978-1-4673-5117-1.
27 Thukral,A. ,Daia,S., Banati, H, & Bedi,P., “Informal eLearning using mul@ agent systems”, Proc. IEEE Interna;onal Conference on Intelligent System Design and Applica;ons (ISDA), November 27-29, 2012 , pp 213- 217, Kochi, India, ISSN 978-1-4673-5117-1.
28 Banati H., and Mehta S., “SEVO:Bio-inspired Analy@cal Tool for Uni-modal and Mul@modal Op@mizaton”, Proc. of the Interna;onal Conference on Son Compu;ng for Problem Solving, 2011, Vol 130, pp557-566, ISBN 978-81-322-1602-5.
29 Thukral, A., Bedi P., and Banati, H., “Automa@c Organiza@on of Web Resources in Ontologies for Learning Purpose”, 2nd Interna;onal Conference on e-Educa;on, e-Business, e-Management and E-Learning (IC4E 2011),January 7-9, 2011,Mumbai,India, pp 38-44, ISSN: 1877-7058, ELSEVIER.
30 Sharma, R., Banati, H. and Bedi, P., “Adap@ve Content Sequencing for e-Learning Courses using Ant Colony Op@miza@on”, In proceedings SocProS 2011 - Interna;onal Conference on Son Compu;ng for Problem Solving, December 20-22, 2011,Vol.2, Kusum Deep et. al.(Eds.) 537-548. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer- Verlag,ISBN 978-81-322-04862.
31 Thukral, A., Mendiraia V.,Behl A., Banati H., and Bedi,P., “FCHC: A social seman@c focused crawler”, Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Compu;ng and Communica;on, Kochi, India: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. Part II, CCIS 191, pp. 273–283, ISBN 978-3-642-22713-4.
32 Sharma R., Banati H., and Bedi.P., “Incorpora@ng Social Opinion in Content Selec@on for an e-Learning Course”,. In: 6th Interna;onal Conference on Computer Science & Educa;on (ICCSE 2011), 2011, pp. 1027–1032, Singapore, ISBN 978-1-4244-9717-1.
33 R. Sharma, Banati H. and P. Bedi., “Social Support Based Mul@-Agent Framework for Designing an e-Learning Course”, IEEE Third Interna;onal Conference on Communica;on Sonware and Networks (ICCSN), 2011, pp. 160–164, China, ISBN 978-1-61284-485-5.
34 Banati H., Bajaj M.,” Dynamic User Profile Genera@on By Mining User Opinion”, Proc. of 3rd Interna;onal Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET-11), June 17-19, 2011,Malaysia, pp 540-545, ASME, ISBN 978-0-7918-5973-5.
35 Bedi, P, Banati H., and Thukral A., “ Social seman@c retrieval and ranking of eResources”, Second Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communica;on and Compu;ng, Kerala, India: ACEEE, IEEE, 2010. pp. 343 - 347 , ISBN 978-1-4244-8093-7.
36 Bedi, P., Banati, H. and Sharma, R., “Designing an intelligent e-learning environment by user interac@on analysis”, 2nd Interna;onal Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interac;on (IHCI 2010), pp. 372-377, India, ISBN 978-81-8489-540-7.
37 Bedi, P., Banati, H., and Thukral A.,“Use of Ontology for Reusing Web Repositories for eLearning”. In Technological Developments in Networking, Educa;on and Automa;on, 2010, pp 97-101. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-90-481-9151-2.
38 Banati,H., Mehta S.,”Evolu@on of Contextual queries using Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm”, Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Communica;on, Network, and Compu;ng, CNC 2010 ,IEEE, Oct 04-05, pp 360-365,Calicut, Kerala, India
39 Banati, H., Mehta,S., “Meme@c Collabora@ve filtering based Recommender System”, The 2nd Vaagdevi Interna;onal Conference on Informa;on Technology for Real World Problems, (VCON'10), IEEE, December 9-11 , 2010,pp 102-107, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India. ISBN 978-1-4244-9628-0.
40 Mehta S., Sachdeva,B., Bhargava,R. and Banati, H.,”An Evolu@onary Approach to Intelligent Planning”,Proc. Interna;onal Conference on Swarm, Evolu;onary and Meme;c Compu;ng , (SEMCO 2010),Dec 16-18,2010, Chennai, India, LNCS 6466,pp 305-313.ISBN 978-3-642-17562-6.
41 Banati,H. and Mehta,S., “VibrantSearch: A BDI Model of Contextual Search Engine paper”, Interna;onal Conference on Next Genera;on Web Services Prac;ces (NWeSP 2010),2010, pp 623-629, ISBN 978-1-4244-7818-7.
42 Mehta S., Banati H. and Bedi,P. , “BDI Planning Approach to Distributed Mul@agent Based Seman@c Search Engine”, Interna;onal Work-Conference on Ar;ficial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Part II, LNCS 5518, pp. 25–28,ISBN 978-3-642-02480-1.
43 Banati H. and Bajaj M., ‘Feature Based Implicit User Modeling “, proc. of 4th Indian Interna;onal Conference on Ar;ficial Intelligence (IICAI-09), December 16-18, 2009, pp 1077-1084, India. ISBN 978-0-9727412-7-9.
44 Thukral, A., Sharma R.,Banati, H., and Bedi, P., “Modeling Roles in E-learning: MoRel”, Interna;onal Conference on Advances in Computer Vision and Informa;on Technology. Aurangabad, India., Google books, 2007, pp. 612-620, ISBN 978-81-89866-74-7.
45 Banati,H.,and Bajaj M., 2007, “User Oriented Approach to Web Design” , in Na;onal Conference on Emerging Trends in Sonware Engineering & Informa;on Technology , 29-30 March, 2007, Gwalior, India.
46 Bedi, P. and Banati, H., “Priori@zing Web Usability Aaributes using Intui@onis@c Fuzzy Sets”, proc. 2005 Interna;onal Conference on Sonware Engineering Research and Prac;ce, SERP’05, Vol II, 2005, pp 570-576 Las Vegas, U.S.A,ISBN 1-932415-50-5.
47 Banati, H. and Bedi, P., “HISE- An Algorithmic Approach to Evolve a Usable Website”, in proc. of the 2005 Interna;onal Conference on Human-Computer Interac;on, HCI’05, 2005,pp 17-23,Las Vegas, U.S.A, ISBN 1-932415-80-7.
48 Banati, H., Grover P.S., “Interna@onal Standards and Usability Measurement”, in proc. of Seventh Interna;onal Conference on Enterprise Informa;on Systems, ICEIS 2005, pp184-187, Miami, U.S.A, ISBN 972-8865-19-8.
49 Banati, H., Grover P.S., “Usability and Metrics”, in Abstract book of General Online Research, GOR’05, Zurich, Switzerland,2005, pp27-28.
50 Banati, H., Grover P.S., 2004, “A Structured Approach to Study Usability”, in proc. of Na;onal Conference on Sonware Engineering Principles and Prac;ces, SEPP’04, pp155-159

Books & Projects

S.No Book/Project Name
1 Chief Editor Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Big Data Frameworks (2018);Publisher: IGI Global; Co-editors: Dr Shikha Mehta Jaypee Ins;tute of Informa;on Technology, Noida, Dr. Parmeet Kaur, Jaypee Ins;tute of Informa;on Technology, Noida, Pages: 412,ISBN13: 9781522558521
2 Chief Editor Hybrid Intelligence for Social Networks; (2017) Publisher: Springer Interna;onal Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland; Co-editors: Prof. Siddhartha Bhaiacharyya, RCC Ins;tute of Information Technology, Kolkata, Dr. Ashish Mani, Amity University, Noida and Prof. (Dr.) Mario Kppen, Kyushu Ins;tute of Technology, Iizuka, Japan, ISBN 978-3-319-65139-2
3 Co-author, IT Tools –Level 3 , Class XI, Student Handbook CBSE, First Edition, July 2016. ISSN 978-81-929704-20-2.
4 Co-author, DATABASE MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS, Class XII, Student Handbook , CBSE, First Edi;on, February 2016, ISSN 978-81-929704-20-4.
5 Project investigator in Delhi University funded project en;tled "Liquid-Liquid Extrac;on of Dyes from Textile Industry Waste Waters Using Green Solvents-Ionic Liquids",2015-16

Book Chapters

S.No Book Chapter Name
1 Arora N., Banati H. (2017) “GSO Based Heuristics for Iden@fica@on of Communi@es and Their Leaders” In: Bana; H., Bhaiacharyya S., Mani A., KöppenM. (eds) Hybrid Intelligence for Social Networks. Springer, Cham, pp 99-127, Print ISBN 978-3-319-65138-5, Online ISBN 978-3-319-65139-2
2 Banati H., and Mehta S., “An Efficient Approach for Populating Deep Web Repositories Using SFLA” , Ashish M. Gujarathi et al. (eds.),Evolu;onary Computa;on Techniques and Applica;ons, 2016, pp 303-316, Apple Academic Press. ISBN 9781771883368 - CAT# N11616
3 Mehta S. , Bajaj M. and Banati H, 2015,”An Intelligent Approach for Virtual Chemistry Laboratory “, Handbook of Research on Advanced Hybrid Intelligent Techniques and Applica;ons, 2015, Chapter 16, pp 483-517,Springer, ISBN13: 9781466694743,ISBN10: 1466694742, EISBN13: 9781466694750 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9474-3.
4 Bajaj M. , Mehta S., Banati H., 2015, “A Sob computing approach for Targeted Product Promo@on on Social Networks” , Hybrid Son Computing Approaches Part II, Volume 611 of the series Studies in Computational Intelligence pp 271-304, Springer , Print ISBN 978-81-322-2543-0, Online ISBN 978-81-322-2544-7 DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2544-7_9
5 Banati, H. and Bajaj, M.,2008, “Success: A Methodology to Design Effective Ecommerce Websites”, Key Drivers of Organizational Excellence , Chap 59, 2008,pp 526-535, Excel Publica;ons, Delhi, India, ISBN 978-81-7446-719-5
6 Banati, H., Bajaj M.,” A Strategic Approach to Evaluate Web Usability”, Mastering Change for Organizational Excellence, Chap 35, 2007, pp 356-362, Excel Publications, Delhi, India, ISBN 978-81-7446-581-8.
7 Banati H., “Â Designing User Interfaces for E-learning packages”, 2008,pp 208-216, Reference Manual, CAS Training Program, “Development of Contents for Online e-Learning Systems”, conducted at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Pusa, N.Delhi, India.