Brief CV
Courses Taught
Sanjay Jain
Areas of work

  • Theoretical systems biology
  • Structure and dynamics of complex networks, including chemical, biological, and socio-economic networks
  • Mathematical modeling of complex adaptive systems, evolutionary mechanisms
  • Models of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
  • Nonlinear dynamics, random matrix models and quantum chaos
  • Quantum field theory, superstring theory and quantum gravity
Prof. Sanjay Jain

Senior Professor,

Department of Physics and Astrophysics,
University of Delhi
Contact Information

Room No. 153, MS Block,
Department of Physics and Astrophysics,
University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007

Phone:   +91-11-27667793              Fax:   +91-11-27667061
email:   jain@physics.du.ac.in
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