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IRISS 2017: 11th Inter-Research-Institute Student Seminar in
Computer Science
In continuation with IRISS conferences held earlier (2002: IISc, 2003: IIT Delhi, 2004: IIT Bombay, 2005: IIT Kanpur, 2006: IIT Madras, 2007: IIIT Hyderabad, 2009: IIT Guwahati, 2014: IIT Delhi, 2015: BITS Goa, 2016: Trivandrum) ACM India announces IRISS 2017 that will be held on January 20, 2017 in Kolkata.
IRISS invites CS- research scholars in India to showcase their (published/accepted, attach proof of acceptance) work to a conclave of researchers and potential employers. The event hosts oral as well as poster presentations.The submissions will go through a program committee and selected papers will be invited for oral/poster presentation. Partial funding will be provided to the selected submissions. As the event is co-located with the ACM India Annual Event 2017 where-in Turing Award winners are invited to deliver talks on their work, participants of IRISS get a unique opportunity to listen to them and interact with them. |
Important Dates: |
Last Date for Submission: |
October 05, 2016 Deadline Extended: October 15, 2016 | |
Author Notification: | October 25, 2016 Notification Date Extended: November 11, 2016 | |
Format of Paper: | Same as the Published/Accepted Paper. No specific format for IRISS. |
Email ID: iriss2017@gmail.com
Following is the list of candidates for poster presentation. Poster size is A1 (23.39" x 33.11").
List of Candidates for Poster Presentation Registration: Registration fees for IRISS 2017 is INR 1000 + service tax of INR 150/-. ACM India will be arranging free accommodation (for two nights – 19th and 20th Jan 2017) for all the research scholars attending IRISS 2017. ACM will also provide a travel reimbursement of maximum INR 5,000 against actual tickets/vouchers/invoices. ACM India is also glad to provide free registration to all scholars for the ACM India Annual Event which is scheduled on January 21, 2017 (Details on http://kolkata.acm.org/2017/). Pleas register on the below link (link will be active soon): https://www.eventavenue.com/attReglogin.do?eventId=EVT6799 Travel: IRISS participants are requested to arrange their own travel for attending IRISS 2017 at Kolkata. ACM India will reimburse the travel claims at actuals subject to maximum INR 5,000/- per participant. Please submit your travel claim in the prescribed form (Reimbursement Form) along with copies of bills/tickets before leaving the venue. Program:
TPC Members: Neelima Gupta (DU, Chair) (ngupta@cs.du.ac.in) Naveen Garg (IIT Delhi) A D Dileep (IIT Mandi) Komondoor Raghavan (IISc) Venkata Ramana Badarla (IIT Jodhpur) Madhavan Mukund (CMI, Chennai) Manisha Bansal (IP College, DU) Bharat M. Deshpande (BITS, Pilani, Goa) |