Department of Chemistry

Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College

University of Delhi


* The World Academy of Sciences-CNPq Postdoctoral Fellow (TWAS)

Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza- CE, Brazil


* Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi

 Title: Synthesis, Physico-chemical and Thermal Characterization of Organometallic    

 Complexes with ligands containing N-, S- as donor atoms.

 Advisor: Professor N K Kaushik


* M. Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry); Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi

* B. Sc. Chemistry (Honors); Hindu College, University of Delhi


Patent Opposition, Prosecution, Patent Search, Drafting, Filing (US, WIPO, INDIA), Patent analysis,

Infringement analysis, IP mapping, Patent mining, Technology tracking, Claim analysis, Delphion,

MicroPat, PatWeb, USPTO, SciFinder, STN Analysis, Esp@cenet, Dialog,

World Intellectual Property Search (WIPO), Ekaswa A, Indian Patents.



1. Royal Society of Chemistry

2. Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SBIC)

3. International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS)

4. The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)

5. Material Research Society of India (MRSI)

6. INSA-IUPAC Young affiliate member

7. Indian Thermal Analysis Society (ITAS)

8. Society of Earth Scientists

9. Indian Society of Analytical Scientists (ISAS)

10. Society for Materials Chemistry

11. International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

12. The IAENG Society of Chemical Engineering

13. The IAENG Society of Industrial Engineering



1. Applied Organometallic Chemistry (John Wiley & Sons)

2. Central European Journal of Chemistry (Versita Sp.)

3. Spectrochimica Acta-A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (Elsevier)

4. Medicinal Chemistry Research (Springer)

5. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education (EJPCE)

6. Polyhedron (Elsevier)

7. Journal of Molecular Structure (Elsevier)

8. Journal of Sulfur Chemistry (Taylor & Francis Group)

9. African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Academic Journals)

10. International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Sciencedomain International)

11. E-International Scientific Research Journal

12. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research

13. World Applied Science Journal

14. American Chemical Science Journal

15. Pinnacle Pure & Applied Chemistry