Some of the Reviewer`s Comments about our research



Induced Anomalous Enhancement in the Work Function of Nanostructures

Jasmin Kaur and Rama Kant, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, ASAP


Reviewer: 1
In the manuscript "Curvature Induced Anomalous Enhancement in the Work Function of Nanostructures" by J. Kaur and R. Kant the authors present very interesting results on the influence of curvature on the work function of nanostructures. They show that nanomaterials exhibit very different work function values when compared with the bulk ones due to their different geometry which significantly affects the electronic properties of nanomaterials such as metals and semi-metals. Taking into account that the work function affects significantly several surface/interfacial properties of materials (and devices) I think that this work will have significant impact in the scientific community. Furthermore, the paper is well-presented and fits the scope of the journal. I therefore suggest acceptance with only one minor suggestion: it would benefit the readership if the authors include specific examples of work function changes in different materials.

Additional Questions:
Urgency: High

Significance: High

Novelty: High

Scholarly Presentation: Top 10%

Is the paper likely to interest a substantial number of physical chemists, not just specialists working in the authors' area of research?: Yes


Theory of Generalized Gerischer Admittance of Realistic Fractal Electrode

R. Kumar and R. Kant, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 19558.

Reviewer: 3

``This is good work, its authors should be congratulated, and it certainly deserves publication. The authors have done the hard work of solving a difficult problem- but they must still communicate it efficiently to their intended audience. ....``


``…The authors address an important aspect of a problem that has bedeviled modern electrochemistry, as it has moved in recent decades from the smooth, chemically homogeneous mercury / solution interface to the much more prevalent solid metal / solution interface….``


``…I regret that my critical comments take so much space (because they must be specific to have a possible impact) than my laudatory introduction, but they should not overshadow my regard for what the authors are trying to share. Their science is good  -  I hope they will keep up their good work, and also learn to communicate it efficiently.``


Reviewer: 2

``The paper is an important continuation of the series of the authors dealing with the kinetics of fractal electrodes. Aptly, the authors accentuate in the Conclusion that, in contradistinction to a number of earlier works on the same subject which make use of dimension analysis only, their method rests on a straightforward analytical treatment of the problem, based on Fick’s Law and linearized Nernst equation. This approach, beyond its depth of understanding, enables the authors to consider the effect not only of fractal dimension but also of further geometrical properties. Whereas in some of their previous publications they dealt with diffusion limited reactions (i.e. diffusion and electrode reaction are consecutive processes) the present work discusses diffusion controlled reactions, where diffusion and chemical reaction proceed in parallel. In other words the problem of Gerischer impedance is generalized for (certain types of) fractal surfaces. ``


``I think the approach is most demanding and the results are convincing; the final expression, eq. (18), is clear and even artistic. Whereas I have to admit that I did not follow the mathematics line by line I felt the rigor of the work to be impressive. An important boon of the MS is that it offers clear methods to support or falsify the statements made, by giving a number of graphs in the Discussion, which can be investigated experimentally.``



Theory of Anomalous Diffusion Impedance of Realistic Fractal Electrode

R. Kant, R. Kumar and V. K. Yadav, J. Ρhys. Chem. C (Letter) 2008, 112, 4019.

Reviewer: 2


 ``The manuscript contains a high quality work which certainly deserves publication, after modifications. The subject is the diffusion controlled flux towards an interface. This is a time-dependent quantity which depends on the interface conditions. One form of the flux-time relation, widely used in electrochemistry context, is the Warburg impedance. The original form (of 1898) refers to a planar electrode with semiinfinite diffusion geometry – yielding Eq.1. If the electrode is not planar but of different geometry, then different frequency dependence is obtained. One important –many decades old- question is: what is the frequency dependence of the diffusional impedance if the surface is rough? For this question, perhaps the best general answer up till now was given by one of the authors (Ref.6) a few years ago by deriving a set of equations similar to Eq.6. In the meantime a formalism for characterizing realistic” self-affine surfaces have also appeared (Refs.34 and 38, Eq.5) The authors combine Eqs. 5 and 6, to obtain the impedance of the „realistic” self-affine surfaces (this is the complicated equations of Eqs 7 to 10). These are indeed complicated functions, their frequency dependence can be illustrated numerically only. This is done in Section 3. The last sentence of the conclusions – ``Finally one can say, this theory is an indispensable step in the quantitative description of the role of roughness on the Warburg impedance.``- is absolutely true.``




Theory of anomalous diffusive reaction rates on realistic self-affine fractals

R. Kant and S. K. Jha J. Ρhys. Chem. C (Letter) 2007, 111, 14040.

Reviewer: 1


``The subject of the manuscript is a classical problem of physical chemistry, i.e. the time-dependence of diffusional flux to a surface following a step of surface reactivity (like a potential step in electrochemistry). Such theories are well-known and their results are often employed e.g. by electrochemists for analyzing current transients; for cases of non-trivial geometries of the irregular, e.g. rough surfaces the problem is still not completely solved. One solution might be the approximation of the surface by a self-similar fractal leading to a power-law flux-time equation. Dr Kant presents a much more precise analysis: in his present model the surface is modelled by a self-affine fractal (characterized by four parameters); the current-time function is calculated (Eq.7); its special cases for long and short times are given and discussed.``





``The letter is addressed to a long-standing problem of diffusive transport across irregular interfaces appearing in different areas of modern science. The classical power law approximation of the total flux (or current) as a function of time is replaced by an improved equation that takes into account not only the fractal dimension of the surface but also its minimal cutoff and topothesy. The theoretical predictions are confronted to experimental measurements (published by other authors elsewhere) with success.---``



General Theory of Arbitrary Potential Sweep Methods on an Arbitrary Topography Electrode and Its Application to Random Surface Roughness

R. Kant, J. Ρhys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 10894.

Reviewer: 1

``The manuscript provides a general theory for determining the current at an electrode interface that does not have a simplified, smooth surface geometry.  The mathematical equations take into account changes in three vector directions and with respect to time.  The arguments and derivations are elegant.  The implications of the work are significant to the techniques of cyclic voltammetry and linear sweep voltammetry.---``


Reviewer: 2

``This is an excellent work form the applied mathematical point of view.----``



Theory of Generalized Cottrellian Current at Rough Electrode with Solution Resistance Effects

S. Srivastav and R. Kant, J. Ρhys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 10066.


Reviewer: 1

``This is an important and well written paper describing the effect of surface roughness on potential step transients in the presence of significant ohmic resistance. The areas of electrode roughness and of the effects of solution resistance are currently of active interest worldwide so this is a timely paper which will draw the interest of many readers as it adds to the body of scholarly work in these difficult areas. Moreover there exist few works on the combination of both effects.``



Theory of Absorbance Transients of an Optically Transparent Rough Electrode

Rama Kant and Md. Merajul Islam, J. Ρhys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 19357-19364.


Reviewer: 1

``A novel theory for absorbance transients of an optically transparent electrode was well developed in this paper. The paper is well established not only logically but also linguistically.---``



Reviewer: 2

``The manuscript proposes a theory to predict the absorbance changes in time in optical transparent electrodes (OTE) of varying surface roughness during spectroelectrochemical methods. The topic is timely and of importance, provides a better understanding of the surface processes on OTE.---``



Anomalous Warburg Impedance: Influence of Uncompensated Solution Resistance

S. Srivastav and R. Kant, J. Ρhys. Chem. C 2011, accepted for publication.


Reviewer: 1

``To face the problem of anomalous Warburg impedance, this paper presents theoretical results incorporating the diffusion at the rough electrode/electrolyte interface and bulk solution resistance by means of two phenomenological scales. The problem is important because it is difficult to establish an analytical relation connecting geometrical characteristics of the roughness and the resulting impedance. In this paper, the authors present a successful perturbation analysis by means of which explicit relationships are elucidated. In particular, the roles of fractal dimension, surface roughness amplitude, and some significant characteristic lengths are discussed in terms of analytical results. In this sense, the paper represents a good and welcome contribution to the literature dedicated to the electrical response of electrolytic cells and interface problems arising in this context.-----Anyway, the paper represents a good contribution to the field and should be considered seriously for publication in JPC.``




Theory of Quasi-Reversible Charge Transfer Admittance on Finite Self-Affine Fractal Electrode

R. Kumar and R. Kant, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, accepted for publication

 Reviewer: 1

``The manuscript analyses the coupling of the charge transfer resistance with the Warburg impedance for the case of a rough electrode. The electrode geometry is modelled by a self-affine fractal.


Rama Kant's activity on this and related fields started almost two decades ago, with the (highly esteemed) late Professor Rangarajan. This is, per se, a guarantee of high quality. Since that time he and coworkers/students have analyzed the kinetics of a number of diffusion-related electrode reaction scenarios for irregular, rough electrode geometries. These are impressive calculations leading to very complicated equations. As a reviewer with insufficient mathematical skills and having short time for the understanding all details of the calculation, I can only trust (but I do trust) the correctness of the present calculations. The starting equations are correct, the results (Bode diagrams of Fig.3) are reasonable, the way of presentation is elegant, so all what I can write: congratulations to the authors, and suggest the Editor to publish it, as it is, or with some modifications.----``


Reviewer: 2

``This manuscript addresses the influence of electrode surface roughness on the Randles impedance. The mathematical description is very complex and I am in no position to comment on this. Nevertheless, the results look very reliable. The manuscript has been written in a reasonably concise manner, explaining the different steps taken in the derivations in a clear manner (for someone who is well-versed in this matter).----``




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