Projects Involving Complex Electrochemical Interfaces

Following projects require use of Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Stochastic Processes, other Mathematical Methods and Experimental Electrochemistry.

*   Generalization of fundamental equations of electrochemistry for the rough, porous and disordered electrodes.

*   Experimental electrochemistry of the rough, porous and disordered electrodes.

*   Statistical theories of electrochemical and optical transient techniques on disordered electrodes.

*   Theories for the electrochemical responses of random fractal electrodes.

*   Theories of electron transfer, work function and potential of zero charge on corrugated atomic steps containing electrodes.

*   Modeling complex interfaces as nano-architectured random geometries and random topologies.

*   Diffusive, migration and reactive transport to complex interfaces (i.e. rough and/or porous structures): metal and semi-conductor electrodes, membranes and solid catalysts.

*   Transport across electrochemical interfaces coupled to complex reaction schemes.

*   Electrode dynamics in electrodeposition and electrodissolution: fractal and non-fractal model.

*   Spatiotemporal pattern formation in electrochemical systems.

*   Application of nanoelectrochemistry in sensors, electrochromic films, supercapacitor, electrocatalysis, Li -ion batteries.

These interdisciplinary projects involve concepts from random fractal geometry and topology, and random reactivity can be applied in understanding of industrially important systems like heterogeneous catalysis, corrosion, fuel cells and optimization of their performance. These classes of problems are also of interest in biology and medicine that comprise of the membranes studded with ion-channels, lung alveoli, plant roots, villi in human intestine.