/* Example for the Tamarin Prover ============================== Authors: Jannik Dreier Date: March 2020 Time: ? Description from SPORE: (http://www.lsv.fr/Software/spore/andrewBAN2.html) Ban Concrete Andrew Secure RPC Protocol A, B : principal Kab, K'ab : symkey Na, Nb, N'b : nonce succ : nonce -> nonce 1. A -> B : A, Na 2. B -> A : {Na, K'ab}Kab SendNsk(xna, ~nsk, xsk, $A, $B) 3. A -> B : {Na}K'ab ReturnNsk(~na, xnsk, ~sk, $A, $B) 4. B -> A : Nb SendNb(~nb, xna, ~nsk, ~sk, $A,$B) ReceiveNb(xnb) The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of the new shared key K'ab: in every session, the value of K'ab must be known only by the participants playing the roles of A and B. The protocol must guaranty the authenticity of K'ab: in every session, on reception of message 4, A must be ensured that the key K'ab in the message has been created by A in the same session. with 2 parallel runs where the intruder I impersonates B. i.1. A -> I(B) : A, Na ii.1. I(B) -> A : B, Na ii.2. A -> I(B) : {Na, K'ab}Kab i.2. I(B) -> A : {Na, K'ab}Kab i.3. A -> I(B) : {Na}K'ab ii.3. I(B) -> A : {Na}K'ab i.4. I(B) -> A : Ni ii.4. A -> I(B) : Nb */ theory BanConcreteAndrewSecureRPC begin builtins: symmetric-encryption functions: succ/1, pred/1 equations: pred(succ(x))=x // ================== // == Setup rules === // ================== // A and B already share a long-term symmetric key rule Create_Key: [ Fr(~sk) ] --[Secret($A, $B, ~sk)]-> [ !Key($A,$B,~sk), !Key($B,$A,~sk) ] // Participants can be dynamically currupted rule Reveal_sk: [ !Key($A,$B,~sk) ] --[ Reveal($A, $B), Reveal($B, $A) ]-> [ Out(~sk) ] // ==================== // == Protocol rules == // ==================== // 1. A -> B : A, Na rule A_1: [ !Key($A,$B,~sk) ,Fr(~na) ] --[LogA1($A,$B,~na), Running_A($A,$B,<'A','B',~sk,~na>) ]-> [ Out( <'1', $A, ~na > ) ,StateASend($A,$B,~sk,~na) ] // 2. B -> A : {Na, K'ab}Kab rule B_2: [ In(<'1', x, na >) ,!Key(x,$B,~sk) ,Fr(~kabp) ] --[LogB2($A,$B,na), Secret(x, $B, ~kabp), Running_B(x,$B,<'A','B',~sk,~kabp>) ]-> [ Out( senc(<'2',na,~kabp>, ~sk) ) ,StateB(x,$B,~sk,na,~kabp) ] // 3. A -> B : {Na}K'ab rule A_3: let nnb = succ(xnb) in [ !Key($A,$B,~sk) ,StateASend($A,$B,~sk,~na) ,In(senc(<'2',~na,kabp>, ~sk)) ] --[LogA3($A,$B,~na), Secret($A, $B, kabp), Commit_A($A,$B,<'A','B',~sk,kabp>) ]-> [ Out( senc(<'3',~na>, kabp) ) ,StateAReceive($A,$B,~sk,~na,kabp) ] // 4. B -> A : Nb rule B_4: [ StateB(x,$B,~sk,na,~kabp), In( senc(<'3',na>, ~kabp) ) ,Fr(~nb) ,!Key(x,$B,~sk) ] --[LogB4(x,$B,na), Commit_B(x,$B,<'A','B',~sk,na>) ]-> [ Out( <'4', ~nb> ) ] // 4. B -> A : Nb Receiving end rule A_5: [ !Key($A,$B,~sk) ,In( <'4', nb> ) ,StateAReceive($A,$B,~sk,~na,kabp) ] --[LogA5($A,$B,~na) ]-> [ ] // ==================== // ====== Lemmas ====== // ==================== // check the secrecy of the long-term key used and the newly generated session key lemma secrecy: " not( Ex A B sk #i #j. Secret(A, B, sk) @ #i & K(sk) @ #j & not(Ex #r. Reveal(A,B) @ r) ) " // check the authenticity and freshness of the transaction from A's point of view lemma injectiveagreement_A: "All A B t #i. Commit_A(A,B,t) @i ==> (Ex #j. Running_B(A,B,t) @j & j < i & not (Ex A2 B2 #i2. Commit_A(A2,B2,t) @i2 & not (#i2 = #i))) | (Ex #r. Reveal(A,B)@r)" // check the authenticity and freshness of the transaction from B's point of view lemma injectiveagreement_B: "All A B t #i. Commit_B(A,B,t) @i ==> (Ex #j. Running_A(A,B,t) @j & j < i & not (Ex A2 B2 #i2. Commit_B(A2,B2,t) @i2 & not (#i2 = #i))) | (Ex #r. Reveal(A,B)@r)" // check the authenticity of the transaction from A's point of view lemma noninjectiveagreement_A: "All A B t #i. Commit_A(A,B,t) @i ==> (Ex #j. Running_B(A,B,t) @j & j < i) | (Ex #r. Reveal(A,B)@r)" // check the authenticity of the transaction from B's point of view lemma noninjectiveagreement_B: "All A B t #i. Commit_B(A,B,t) @i ==> (Ex #j. Running_A(A,B,t) @j & j < i) | (Ex #r. Reveal(A,B)@r)" // sanity check: check if honest execution is possible lemma Session_key_honest_setup: exists-trace " Ex A B t s #i #j. Commit_B(A,B,t)@i & Commit_A(A,B,s)@j & i