theory JKL_TS1_2004 begin builtins: hashing, diffie-hellman section{* Jeong, Katz, Lee : TS1 (2004) *} /* * Protocol: JKL-TS1-2004 * Modeler: Cas Cremers * Date: January 2012 * Source: "One-Round Protocols for Two-Party Authenticated Key Exchange" * Jeong, Katz, Lee, 2004. * * Status: working */ /* Protocol rules */ rule generate_ltk: let pkA = 'g'^~lkA in [ Fr(~lkA) ] --> [ !Ltk( $A, ~lkA ), !Pk( $A, pkA ), Out( pkA ) ] rule I1: let X = ~ekI in [ Fr( ~ekI ), !Ltk( $I, ~lkI ) ] --[ SidI_1(~ekI,$I,$R, ~ekI ) , NotEq($I,$R) , LogI1($I,$R) ]-> [ Init_1( ~ekI, $I, $R, ~lkI, ~ekI ), !Ephk(~ekI), Out( ~ekI ) ] rule R2: let pkI = 'g'^~lkI key = h( < X, ~ekR, pkI^~lkR > ) Y = ~ekR in [ In( X ), Fr( ~ekR ), !Ltk($R, ~lkR), !Pk($I, pkI) ] --[ SidR_1( ~ekR, $I, $R, X, ~ekR, key) , NotEq($I,$R) , LogR2($I,$R) ]-> [ Out( ~ekR ), !Ephk(~ekR), !Sessk( ~ekR, key) ] rule I3: let pkR = 'g'^~lkR key = h( < ~ekI, Y, pkR^~lkI > ) in [ Init_1( ~ekI, $I, $R, ~lkI , ~ekI), In( Y ), !Pk( $R, pkR ) ] --[SidI_2( ~ekI, $I, $R, ~ekI, Y, key) , LogI3($I,$R)]-> [ !Sessk( ~ekI, key ) ] rule Sessk_reveal: [ !Sessk(~tid, k) ] --[ SesskRev(~tid) ]-> [ Out(k) ] rule Ephk_reveal: [ !Ephk(~ekI) ] --[ EphkRev(~ekI) ]-> [ Out(~ekI) ] rule Ltk_reveal: [ !Ltk($A, k) ] --[ LtkRev($A) ]-> [ Out(k) ] /* Security properties */ /* lemma key_agreement_reachable: "not (Ex #i1 #i2 ekI ekR I R k hkI hkR. SidI_2(ekI, I, R, hkI, hkR, k) @ i1 & SidR_1(ekR, I, R, hkI, hkR, k) @ i2)" */ /* An attack is valid in the security model if the session key of the test session is deduced and the test session is clean. */ lemma JKL2008_1_initiator_key: "(not (Ex #i x . NotEq(x,x) @ i ) ) ==> // Only consider traces in which the inequalities hold not (Ex #i1 #i2 ttest I R k hkI hkR. SidI_2(ttest, I, R, hkI, hkR, k) @ i1 & K( k ) @ i2 /* Not ephemeral-key-reveal */ & (All #i3 t. EphkRev( t ) @ i3 ==> F) /* Not longterm-key-reveal */ & (All #i3 a. LtkRev( a ) @ i3 ==> F) /* Not session-key-reveal of test thread. */ & (All #i3. SesskRev( ttest ) @ i3 ==> F) /* Not session-key-reveal of partner thread. */ & (All #i3 #i4 tpartner kpartner. SidR_1( tpartner,I,R,hkI,hkR,kpartner ) @i3 & SesskRev( tpartner ) @ i4 ==> F) )" /* An attack is valid in the security model if the session key of the test session is deduced and the test session is clean. */ lemma JKL2008_1_responder_key: "(not (Ex #i x . NotEq(x,x) @ i ) ) ==> not (Ex #i1 #i2 ttest I R k hkI hkR. SidR_1(ttest, I, R, hkI, hkR, k) @ i1 & K( k ) @ i2 /* Not ephemeral-key-reveal */ & (All #i3 t. EphkRev( t ) @ i3 ==> F) /* Not longterm-key-reveal */ & (All #i3 a. LtkRev( a ) @ i3 ==> F) /* Not session-key-reveal of test thread. */ & (All #i3. SesskRev( ttest ) @ i3 ==> F) /* Not session-key-reveal of partner thread. Note that we use SidI_2 here. A session key reveal can only happen after SidI_2 is logged anyways. */ & (All #i3 #i4 tpartner kpartner. SidI_2( tpartner,I,R,hkI,hkR,kpartner ) @i3 & SesskRev( tpartner ) @ i4 ==> F) )" end