theory KAS2_eCK begin builtins: hashing, asymmetric-encryption section{* KAS2 *} /* * Protocol: KAS2 * Modeler: Cas Cremers * Date: April 2012 * Source: "A Generic Variant of NISTS's KAS2 Key Agreement Protocol" * Chatterjee, Menezes, Ustaoglu, 2011 * Model: eCK * * Status: working */ functions: KDF/1 functions: MAC/2 /* Protocol rules */ /* Generate long-term keypair */ rule Register_pk: let pkA = pk(~ltkA) in [ Fr(~ltkA) ] --> [ !Ltk($A, ~ltkA), !Pk($A, pkA), Out(pkA) ] /* Initiator */ rule I1: let c1 = aenc{ ~m1 }pkR in [ Fr( ~m1 ), !Ltk( $I, ~lkI ), !Pk($R,pkR) ] --[ Sid( ~m1, $I, $R, <$I, $R, 'Init', c1>) ,LogI1($I,$R)]-> [ Init_1( ~m1, $I, $R, ~lkI, ~m1, c1), !Ephk( ~m1,~m1 ), Out( c1 ) ] rule R2: let m1 = adec(c1, ~lkR) c2 = aenc{ ~m2 }pkI key = KDF(< m1, ~m2, $I, $R, c1, c2 >) tagR = MAC(key, (< 'Resp', $R, $I, c2, c1 >) ) in [ Fr( ~m2 ), In( c1 ), !Ltk( $R, ~lkR ), !Pk($I,pkI) ] --[ Sid ( ~m2, $R, $I, <$R, $I, 'Resp', c2, c1>) , Match( ~m2, <$I, $R, 'Init', c1>) , Match( ~m2, <$I, $R, 'Init', c1, c2>),LogR2($I,$R) ]-> [ Resp_1( ~m2, $I, $R, ~lkR, m1, ~m2, c1, c2 ), !Ephk( ~m2,~m2 ), Out(< c2 , tagR >) ] rule I3: let m2 = adec(c2, ~lkI) key = KDF(< ~m1, m2, $I, $R, c1, c2 >) tagR = MAC( key, (< 'Resp', $R, $I, c2, c1 >) ) tagI = MAC( key, (< 'Init', $I, $R, c1, c2 >) ) in [ Init_1( ~m1, $I, $R, ~lkI, ~m1, c1 ) , In(< c2, tagR >) ] --[ Sid ( ~m1, $I, $R, <$I, $R, 'Init', c1, c2> ) , Match( ~m1, <$R, $I, 'Resp', c2, c1> ) , Accept( ~m1, $I, $R, key) ,LogI3($I,$R) ]-> [ Out( tagI ), !Sessk( ~m1, key ) ] rule R4: let key = KDF(< m1, ~m2, $I, $R, c1, c2 >) tagI = MAC( key, (< 'Init', $I, $R, c1, c2 >) ) in [ Resp_1( ~m2, $I, $R, ~lkR, m1, ~m2, c1, c2), In( tagI ) ] --[ Accept( ~m2, $R, $I, key) ,LogR4($I,$R)]-> [ !Sessk( ~m2, key ) ] /* Key Reveals for the eCK model */ rule Sessk_reveal: [ !Sessk(~tid, k) ] --[ SesskRev(~tid) ]-> [ Out(k) ] rule Ltk_reveal: [ !Ltk($A, lkA) ] --[ LtkRev($A) ]-> [ Out(lkA) ] rule Ephk_reveal: [ !Ephk(~s, ~ek) ] --[ EphkRev(~s) ]-> [ Out(~ek) ] /* Security properties */ /* lemma key_agreement_reachable: "not (Ex #i1 #i2 ekI ekR I R k hkI hkR. SidI_2(ekI, I, R, hkI, hkR, k) @ i1 & SidR_1(ekR, I, R, hkI, hkR, k) @ i2)" */ lemma eCK_key_secrecy: "not (Ex #i1 #i2 s A B k . Accept(s, A, B, k) @ i1 & K( k ) @ i2 /* No session-key-reveal of test thread. */ & not(Ex #i4. SesskRev( s ) @ i4 ) /* If matching session exists (for all matching sessions...) */ & (All ss #i4 #i5 C D ms. ( Sid ( ss, C, D, ms ) @ i4 & Match( s, ms ) @ i5) ==> ( not(Ex #i6 . SesskRev( ss ) @ i6 ) & not(Ex #i6 #i7. LtkRev ( A ) @ i6 & EphkRev ( s ) @ i7 ) & not(Ex #i6 #i7. LtkRev ( B ) @ i6 & EphkRev ( ss ) @ i7 ) ) ) /* No matching session exists */ & ( ( not(Ex ss #i4 #i5 C D ms. Sid ( ss, C, D, ms ) @ i4 & Match( s, ms ) @ i5 ) ) ==> ( not(Ex #i6 . LtkRev (B) @ i6 ) & not(Ex #i6 #i7. LtkRev (A) @ i6 & EphkRev ( s ) @ i7 ) ) ) )" end /* Example of Stealth Attack ============================================================================== summary of summaries: analyzed: tamarinstcheckI.spthy eCK_key_secrecy (all-traces): falsified - found trace (16 steps) analyzed: tamarinstcheckR.spthy eCK_key_secrecy (all-traces): falsified - found trace (16 steps) analyzed: tamarinstcheck.spthy eCK_key_secrecy (all-traces): falsified - found trace (16 steps) ============================================================================== */