theory dsscbc begin /* * Protocol: Denning-Sacco with 'prefix property' * Modeler: Ralf Sasse * Date: October 2016 * Source: "A Survey of Algebraic Properties Used in Cryptographic Protocols" (Cortier, Delaune, Lafourcade) * Status: working (attack) */ /* Protocol: 1. A -> S: A, B 2. S -> A: {B, Kab, T, {A, Kab, T}Kbs}Kas 3. A -> B: {A, Kab, T}Kbs // we will ignore the "T", it does nothing for us */ functions: enc/2, dec/2, prefix/1 equations: dec(enc(M,k), k) = M , prefix(enc(, k)) = enc(X, k) rule setup: [ Fr(~k) ] --[ KeyGen($A) ]-> [ !SharedKeyWithServer($A, ~k) ] rule reveal: [ !SharedKeyWithServer(X, k) ] --[ Reveal(X) ]-> [ Out(k) ] rule I1: [] --[ Initate($A,$B),LogI1($A,$B) ]-> [ InitiatorRequested($A,$B), Out(<$A, $B>) ] rule S2: [ In(<$A,$B>), Fr(~k), !SharedKeyWithServer($A,kas), !SharedKeyWithServer($B,kbs) ] --[ CreatedKey($A,$B,~k),LogS2($A,$B) ]-> [ Out(enc(<<$B,~k>,enc(<$A,~k>,kbs)>, kas)) ] rule I3: let X = enc(<$A,~k>,kbs) in // this allows initiator to check that server generated the key for the partner correctly which is unrealistic but as long as we still find an attack that is ok. [ InitiatorRequested($A,$B), !SharedKeyWithServer($A, kas), In(enc(<<$B, ~k> , X>, kas)) , !SharedKeyWithServer($B, kbs) ] --[ KeySharedInit($A,$B,~k) ,LogI3($A,$B)]-> [ Out(X) ] rule R4: [ In(enc(<$A,~k>, kbs)), !SharedKeyWithServer($B,kbs) ] --[ KeySharedResp($B,$A,~k) ,LogR4($A,$B)]-> [ ] restriction singlesharedkeyperuser: "All A #i #j. KeyGen(A) @ i & KeyGen(A) @ j ==> #i = #j" lemma executable: exists-trace "Ex A B k #i #j. KeySharedInit(A,B,k)@i & KeySharedResp(B,A,k)@j" // an attack for this is found, as expected lemma sessionsmatch: "All A B k #i. KeySharedResp(B,A,k)@i ==> (Ex #j. KeySharedInit(A,B,k)@j) | (Ex #j. Reveal(B)@j) | (Ex #j. Reveal(A)@j) " end