Courses Taught
Chemistry fo life processes
1. | Introduction to metabolic processes |
2. | Carbohydrate metabolism |
3. | Fatty Acid Metabolism |
4. | Protein metabolism and disorder |
5. | Proteins (Structure and functions) |
6. | Nucleic Acids (Structure and functions) |
Nucleic acids and Carbohydrates
1. | Nucleic Acid: Secondary structure of DNA and RNA, Stabilizing forces, multistranded DNA structures, DNA sequencing and Chemical Synthesis, Recombinant DNA Technology |
2. | Carbohydrates: Naturally occurring sugars, Polysaccharides of industrial and biological importance, Cell-Cell recognition and blood group substances |
Proteins and Lipids
Organic Stereochemistry
1. | Molecular symmetry and chirality |
2. | Stereoisomerism |
3. | Topicity and prostereisomerism |
4. | Cyclostereoisomerism |
5. | Asymmetric induction |
6. | Molecular disymmetry and chiroptical properties |
Study of reactive intermediates
1. | Linear free energy relationships |
2. | Carbocations : classical and non-classical |
3. | Carbanions: Generation, Structure, Stability and reactions |
4. | Radicals: Generation, Structure, Stability and reactions |
5. | Carbenes: Formation and structure, reactions involving carbenes and carbenoids |
6. | Nitrenes: Generation, structure and reaction of nitrenes |
7. | Nucleophilic aromatic substitution: Benzynes, SNAr and SRN1 mechanisms, Ipso effect |