Dr. Tarkeshwar Gupta works as an Associate Professor, Department of
Chemistry, University of Delhi. He is richly experienced both at research and
teaching level. He worked as a Research Associate at University of California,
Berkeley, USA and at IISc Bangalore. He also worked as a visiting Scientist at
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. He believes in nourishing young minds
and providing them with opportunities to excel in the field of research. He can
be contacted through email or through telephony.
Email ID: ;
09650415755, 91-11-27667794 (extension: 125)
interdisciplinary chemistry research of our new research group focuses on
studies of chemical/biological processes on solid-state surfaces. This
Synthetic and mechanistic metal-organic chemistry.
Nanoscale assembly of molecular-derived thin films.
New strategies for thin film formation.
Structural and optical properties of the thin film.
Reactivity, nuclease activity and molecular recognition by immobilized
supramolecular structures on various surfaces.
Developing general methods for directing the formation of inorganic
clusters, solids, and molecules, particularly as a means of influencing the
physical properties and reactivity of such materials.
Using variety of physio-chemical techniques, including air-free
synthesis, solvothermal synthesis, X-ray crystallography, optical spectroscopy,
electrochemistry, atomic force microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
ellipsometry etc
A Monolayer based setup for optical amplification, ACS Appl. Mater.
Interfaces, DOI: 10.1021/am900647h, 2010.
Ru(II)-Glycodendrimers as probes to study Lectin-Carbohydrate
interactions and electrochemicaliy measured mono and oligosaccharide
concentrations, Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/la9038792, 2010.
Redox - active metal complex – based monolayers as aversatile platform
for integration of Boolean logic gates, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 47(29),
5322, 2008.
Chemical communication between metal complex – based monolayers, Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed., 47(12), 2260, 2008.
Self Propagating assembly of a molecular – based multilayer, J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 130(28), 8913, 2008.
Halogen – bonded supramolecular assemblies based on phenylethynl pyridine
derivatives: Driving crystal packing through systematic chemical modifications,
Cryst. Growth Des., 8(8), 2066, 2008.
Selective monitoring of parts-per million levels of CO by covalently
immobilized metal complexes on glass, Chem. Commun., 2900, 2008.
Selective Optical recognition and quantification of parts-per million of
Cr+6 in organmic and aqueous media by immobilized polypyridyl
complexes on glass, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130(9), 2744, 2008.
Monolayer based selective optical recognition and quantification of FeCl3
via electron transfer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129(40), 12296, 2007.
Selective NOx optical sensing with surface confined osmium polypyridyl
complexes, Chem. Commun., 4878, 2007.
Optical sensing pf parts per million levels of water in organic solvents
using redox – active osmium chromophore – based monolayers, J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 128(26), 8400, 2006.
Covalent assembled osmium chromophore – based monolayers: Chemically
induced modulation of optical properties in visible region, Chem. Mater. ,
18, 1379, 2006.
complex as major groove directing synthetic hydrolases, Dalton Trans.,
12, 1896, 2004.