ICIS (Paper VI)
- Tutorial Groups
- Assignment # 3 & 4 (Last Date: 31/001/2011) You can also send these assignments to my yahoo mail (given above) as well
Prepare a PPT on any topic of your choice. Please consult and get my approval on the topic so that the relevance is ensured.
- Assignment # 2 (Last Date: 31/001/2011)
Prepare a PPT on any of the following topics.
- Net Etiquettes
- IP Addressing
- IM-Internet Messaging
- Search Engines
- IP Telephony & IPTV
- Browsers
- Newsgroups,Online Databases & Bulletin Board Services
- Internet Protocols
- Various Networking Devices
- Assignment # 1
Pick the topic as per the sequence of your roll number in the turoial group and prepare a PPT on that.
- Netbooks
- 3G Networks
- Flash/Pen Drives
- Internet connectivity options with vendor specific details from Delhi perspective
- Social Networking Sites
- Open Source Software - Open office
- Linux OS
- E-Readers
- Online Gaming