- Which parts are to be done?
As per syllabus, a student is supposed to do "Part A" and "one of Part B or Part C". As SRCC offers Part C only, every student therefore has to do only Part A & Part C.
- How are the marks divided?
This is a 75 marks paper.
It is divided as per the following scheme
25 marks final theory exam corresponding to Part A only
30 marks final practical exam corresponding to Part C only
10 marks for Computer Workbook to be submitted by a student around the end of the academic session. The work book is evaluated by your class teacher and submitted as part of Internal Assessment marks
10 marks Internal Assessment which is further divided as follows
-4 marks for Home examination (Paper will be conducted for 28 marks but marks will be scaled down to 4 marks)
-4 marks for Assignments submitted during tutorial classes (marks will be scaled down)
-2 marks for class & tutorial class attendences (marks are given slabs: >=85% get 100% of 2; >=80% get 80% of 2; >=75% get 60% of 2; >=70% get 40% of 2, >=67% get 20% of 2 and <67% get 0% of 2)
- When waht would happen?
December End - Submission of Attendance Register Data for Term 1.
December - Home Exams.
Feb/March End - Submission of Work book to teacher
15 March-5 April - Conduction of Final Practical Exam (for Part C)
April/May -Final Theory examinations
- When should I arrive back from my home for Practical Examinaton?
It is advisable that a student should not plan its train/airplane ticket without keeping any buffer time before and after the exam date. As practical examination date/timings can be changed due to various reasons, it is not advisable to assume to data and timing given by the college as absolute final