Vikas Madan

Snail Mail

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Shri Ram College of Commerce
University of Delhi
Delhi - 110085 INDIA

E-Mail (primary) (rarely checked)

Tel: +91-11-2766-7905

Cell: +91-11-098993-23136

Breeze-Internal Assessment Software

  • Overview
  • The internal assessment is an important part of students’ continuous evaluation. Preparation of Internal Assessment marks is a major responsibility of every College of Delhi University today. Out of the total marks for a subject, some marks have been allocated to judge the regularity and performance of the student at the college level. These marks thereon are added to the final marks of the students in the individual paper.

  • Salient Features of Breeze
  • 1. Larger than just Internal Assessment: Captures more data than is needed just for Internal Assessment work. The software stores the data of the students starting from the time of admission and tracks the progress of the student over the years. This means that administration can extract a lot more kind of information e.g. section lists, year list, subject wise lists etc.
    2. Multi-user System: The software works in a multiuse environment and allows different users to access the related data simultaneously. It means that a student can check their marks while some other teachers are entering their data.
    3. Historical Data. The system is capable of keeping Internal Assessment data of current as well as previous years. This provides the possibility of doing statistical analysis on the performance of a given student. This facility of analyzing is currently not available.
    4. Password Protection: The system is protected through a password mechanism. Any one who wants to modify the Internal Assessment data is given a password.
    5. Data Locking System: The system provides a locking mechanism which restricts a teacher from modifying the data once it has been committed by him/her. The data however can be corrected by the users with administrative privileges.
    6. Detailed mark sheet: A detailed mark is prepared at the end of the processing, which allows a student to view the raw as well as processed data along with the names of the teachers who have awarded them the relevant data.
    7. Automatic preparation of final data: The system also prepares the internal assessment final data that is needed for University CD so that people are not required to enter in DU CD again.
    8. Internet Enabled: The system is developed using the latest state of the art technology using the Java, Apache as web container and MySql database. The system is available in the form of a web application and hence can be accessed over the Internet. This enables students as well as teachers to see and correct data by being at any part of the globe.

  • Technology Used
  • The software is a Java MySql application. It runs on Apache Tomcat server. The application uses Struts web frame work.