Practical Schdule for B.Com. (H) II yr - Paper XIV(a) Part C - HTML - April 2011
Following is the batch wise schedule for the practical examination of Paper XIV(a) - HTML.
- Please use Ctrl + F to search for your roll number or name. It will be easier than scrolling down & up.
- Do not panic if you do not find your roll number in the given list or find that more than ones. Please let us know about the error - we will rectify the problem.
- This list does not contain the list of Ex Students as of now. The list of Ex students will be added in the list as soon as we get the information about them. Please contact us before hand to get a group allocated for you.
- This list also does not contain the University Examination Roll Number. Again the list will be updated as soon as we get the information. Every student MUST cross check his/her examination roll number from the confidential sheet which will be made available at the time of examination.
- Feel free to contact us in case of any problem.