

Title of the Project Regulation of heat shock proteins in Drosophila melanogaster populations simultaneously selected for faster pre-adult development and late reproduction. Council of Scientific & Induatrial Research, Government of India. Grant amount:
Investigator Shakarad, M.
Granting Agency Council of Scientific & Induatrial Research, Government of India
Amount granted INR 25.00 lakhs
Status Ongoing
Duration 3 years


Title of the Project Cost of selection response to simultaneous selection on two divergent life-history traits in Drosophila melanogaster.
Investigator Shakarad, M.
Granting Agency Council of Scientific & Induatrial Research, Government of India.
Amount granted INR 20.00 lakhs
Status Completed
Duration 3 years


Title of the Project Evolution of life-history traits in Drosophila melanogaster under multiple divergent selection pressures.
Investigator Shakarad, M.
Granting Agency Council of Scientific & Induatrial Research, Government of India.
Amount granted INR 17.00 lakhs
Status Completed
Duration 3 years


Title of the Project Division of labour in termites: How is it achieved?
Investigator Shakarad, M.
Granting Agency Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.
Amount granted INR 17. 38 lakhs
Status Completed
Duration 3 years


Title of the Project : A model lower termite to understand division of labour amongst workers.
Investigators Crosland, M. W. J., Shakarad, M. and Traniello, J. F. A.
Granting Agency Research Grant Council of Hong Kong.
Amount granted HK$ 780,830 (≈ 100,000 US$)
Status Since principal investigator Dr. M. W. J. Crosland left Chinese University of Hong Kong we could not utilize the grant.
Duration 3 years

* grants received as independent faculty.