Poly–Crystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors:
Modeling, Simulation and Characterization
Amit Sehgal
Department of Electronic
Science, South Campus,
New Delhi, India
With the introduction of
semi–conducting materials, there is a revolution in industrial
development related to electrical and electronic components. The
bulky, large power consuming discharge tubes and valves are now a
no–no to the industry. Semiconductors have emerged out as an
essential material for power, electrical and digital applications.
But, in order to meet high speed performance and low cost
production, scaling down of feature size is a necessity. As per
theory of Moore, complexity of integrated circuits (ICs) has
approximately doubled every year since their introduction. Cost per
function has decreased several thousand–fold, while system
performance and re1iability have been improved dramatically. It is
possible to analyze the increase in complexity into different
factors that can in–turn, be examined to see what contributions have
been important in this development, and how they might be expected
to continue to evolve. The expected trends can be recombined to see
how long exponential growth in complexity can be expected to
continue. Novel material combinations and structures have evolved
out for the up–gradation of device or circuit performance.