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International/Indian Journals


Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol.4, No.3, September 2004, pp. 228-239.

Solid State Electronics, Vol.49, No.3, March 2005, pp. 301-309.

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.53, No. 9, September 2005, pp. 2682-2687.

Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol.5, No.3, September 2005, pp. 159-167.

Semconductor Science and Technology, Vol.21, March 2006, pp.370-377.

Thin Solid Films, Vo1.54, No.1-2, May 2006, pp. 55-58.

International Journal of Electronics, Vol.93, No.5, May 2006, pp. 279-289.

International Journal on Microwave and Optical Technologies, Vol.1, No.2, August 2006, pp. 411-416.

International Journal on Microwave and Optical Technologies, Vol.1, No.1, June 2006, pp. 106-113.

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol.54, No.1, Jan 2007, pp. 68-77.

Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol.21, No.10, October 2006, pp. 1609-1619.

Thin Solid Films, Vol.516, No.8, February 2008, pp. 2162-2170.

Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol.7, No.4, December 2007, pp. 289-300.



International/Indian Conferences


National Symposium on Advances in Microwaves and Lightwaves (NSMAL-2003), 13-14 October,University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi, India, 2003,pp. 116-119.

National Conference on Radio Science in India (INCURSI – 2003), 27-29 November, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, India, 2003, p. 42.

National Conference on Radio Science in India (INCURSI–2003), 27-29 November, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, India, 2003, p. 41.

Thin Film Transistor Technologies VII Symposium, 2004 Joint International Meeting of ECS, 3-8 October, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2004.

Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2004), 15–18 December, New Delhi, India, 2004, pp. 126-137.

Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2004), 15–18 December, New Delhi, India, 2004, pp. 189-190.

3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, (ICMAT-2005), 3-8 July, Singapore, 2005, pp. 6-7.

10th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technologies (ISMOT-2005), 22-25 August, Fukuoka, Japan, 2005, pp. 410-413.

XIII International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2005), 13-17 December, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, India, 2005, pp. 1040-1044.

XIII International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2005), 13-17 December, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, India, 2005, pp. 1030-1034.

National Conference on Recent Advancements in Microwave Technique and Applications (Microwave-2006), 6-8 October, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, 2006, pp. 93-97.

The 9th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID-2006), 8-12 October, Habitat World at Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, 2006, pp. 400-404.

International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, (ICMAT-2007), 1-6 July, Singapore, 2007, pp. 52.




Attended and successfully completed Electrawork 2009 workshop at Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi from June 01-12, 2009.

Attended and successfully completed ICT Tier I Champions workshop at Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi from August 31 to September 11, 2009.

Attended and successfully completed Integrating Multiple Technologies to Support Teaching and Learning Seminar cum Workshop at University of Delhi South Campus from September 24-26, 2009.

Convener of the seminar organized in the college in the year 2008-2009.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at ILLL (for administrative staff), University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at PGDAV (Eve.) College, University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at Shivaji College, University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College, University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at Shaheed Bhagat Singh (Eve.) College, University of Delhi.

Resource Person for Tier II ILLL ICT workshop at Shri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce.

Attended and successfully completed Mini-Colloquia on Compact Modelling Techniques for Nanoscale Devices and Circuit Analysis at University of Delhi South Campus sponsored by IEEE Electron Device Society from March 14-15, 2012.

Attended and successfully completed Science Academies Lecture Workshop On Frontiers in Science & Engineering - Opportunities for Graduates at University of Delhi South Campus sponsored by Indian National Sciency Academy (INSA) from February 17-18, 2012.

Resource Person in Refresher Course in Information Technology at B. P. S. Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat in June, 2012.

Jury Member in INNOVATION IN SCIENEC PURSUIT FOR INSPIRED RESEARCH (INSPIRE) National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) at Delhi by Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India from October 21-23, 2012.