Library Sec4_Groundterms
Contents :
0: General House Keeping
1: Syntax definitions
2: Equality, membership and extraction functions for the syntax
2A: Equality functions
2B: Membership functions
2C: Extraction of submembers functions
3: Substitution
4: Ground terms and rules instances
5: Tamarin Reduction
6: Example
7: Definitions from Chapter 5 of the thesis
8: Tests and Definitions for Well formedness
8A: Functions to test no or One Input / Output in facts
8B: Definitions on Variables and Terms for Equivalence proof
8C: Well formedness definitions
9: Some useful lemmas on well formedness
10: Definitions from Chapter 6 of the thesis
10A: Types of Facts allowed in the system
11: Props and Theorems from Chapter 6
Load Sec3_SubstitutionDefs.
4: Ground terms and rule instances
Ground Defs, these might be better as Props, rather than bools
I'm not sure at this point, we can always change these to Props later
Fixpoint groundBaseTerm (ts:baseTerm) : Prop :=
match ts with
| Var v => False
| _ => True
Definition groundBaseTerms : baseTerms -> Prop := trueForAll groundBaseTerm.
Fixpoint groundTerm (t:term) : Prop :=
match t with
| Func f ts => groundBaseTerms ts
| Bterm (Name (Pub n)) => True
| Bterm (Name (Fresh_S n)) => True
| Bterm (Name (Fresh_P n)) => True
| _ => False
Fixpoint groundTerms (ts:terms) : Prop :=
match ts with
| t::ts => groundTerm t /\ groundTerms ts
| [] => True
Fixpoint groundFact (f:fact) : Prop :=
match f with
| IN ts => groundTerms ts
| OUT ts => groundTerms ts
| K ts => groundTerms ts
| STATE n ts => groundTerms ts
| FR_P fn => True
Fixpoint groundFacts (fs:facts) : Prop :=
match fs with
| f::fs => groundFact f /\ groundFacts fs
| [] => True
Definition groundActionLabel (al:actionLabel) : Prop :=
match al with
| ActLabel n ts => groundTerms ts
Fixpoint groundBasicLabel (lb:list actionLabel) : Prop :=
match lb with
| al::als => groundActionLabel al /\ groundBasicLabel als
| [] => True
Definition groundLoggedLabel (lg:actionLabel) (lb:list actionLabel) : Prop :=
groundActionLabel lg /\ groundBasicLabel lb.
Definition groundLoggedSIDLabel (t:baseTerm) (lg:actionLabel) (lb:list actionLabel) : Prop :=
groundBaseTerm t /\ groundActionLabel lg /\ groundBasicLabel lb.
Definition groundLabel (lb:label) : Prop :=
match lb with
| BasicLabel ls => groundBasicLabel ls
| LoggedLabel lg ls => groundLoggedLabel lg ls
| LoggedSIDLabel t lg ls => groundLoggedSIDLabel t lg ls
Definition groundRule (r:rule) : Prop :=
match r with
| RuleProto f1 l f2 => groundFacts f1 /\ groundFacts f2 /\ groundLabel l
| RuleSetup f1 l f2 => groundFacts f1 /\ groundFacts f2 /\ groundLabel l
Inductive ginst : rule -> rule -> Prop :=
| Ginst : forall r1 r2, (exists sigma, (applySubRule sigma r2) = r1) /\ (groundRule r1) -> ginst r1 r2.
Inductive ginsts : rule -> ruleList -> Prop :=
| GinstHead : forall r1 r2 rs, (ginst r1 r2) -> ginsts r1 (r2::rs)
| GinstTail : forall r1 r2 rs, (ginsts r1 rs) -> ginsts r1 (r2::rs).
Inductive ginstWithSigma : rule -> substitution -> rule -> Prop :=
| GinstSigma : forall r1 r2 sigma, (applySubRule sigma r2) = r1 /\ groundRule r1 -> ginstWithSigma r1 sigma r2.
Inductive ginstsWithSigma : rule -> substitution -> ruleList -> Prop :=
| GinstHeadSigma : forall r1 r2 rs sigma,
(ginstWithSigma r1 sigma r2) -> ginstsWithSigma r1 sigma (r2::rs)
| GinstTailSigma : forall r1 r2 rs sigma,
(ginstsWithSigma r1 sigma rs) -> ginstsWithSigma r1 sigma (r2::rs).
Lemma composeSubstBaseTerm : forall bt (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundBaseTerm (applySubBaseTerm sigma1 bt)
-> groundBaseTerm (applySubBaseTerm (compose sigma1 sigma2) bt).
Lemma composeSubstBaseTerms : forall bt (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundBaseTerms (applySubBaseTerms sigma1 bt)
-> groundBaseTerms (applySubBaseTerms (compose sigma1 sigma2) bt).
Lemma composeSubstGroundTerm : forall tm (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundTerm (applySubTerm sigma1 tm)
-> groundTerm (applySubTerm (compose sigma1 sigma2) tm).
Lemma composeSubstGroundTerms : forall tms (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundTerms (applySubTerms sigma1 tms)
-> groundTerms (applySubTerms (compose sigma1 sigma2) tms).
Lemma composeSubstGroundAL : forall al (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundActionLabel (applySubActionLabel sigma1 al)
-> groundActionLabel (applySubActionLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2) al).
Lemma composeSubstGroundBasicLabel : forall l (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundBasicLabel (map ( applySubActionLabel sigma1) l)
-> groundBasicLabel (map (applySubActionLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2)) l).
Lemma composeSubstGroundLoggedLabel : forall al ls (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
(applySubActionLabel sigma1 al)
(map (applySubActionLabel sigma1) ls)
-> groundLoggedLabel
(applySubActionLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2) al)
(map (applySubActionLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2)) ls).
Lemma composeSubstGroundLoggedSIDLabel : forall al ls t (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
(applySubBaseTerm sigma1 t)
(applySubActionLabel sigma1 al)
(map (applySubActionLabel sigma1) ls)
-> groundLoggedSIDLabel
(applySubBaseTerm (compose sigma1 sigma2) t)
(applySubActionLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2) al)
(map (applySubActionLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2)) ls).
Lemma composeSubstGroundLabel : forall l (sigma1:substitution) (sigma2:substitution),
groundLabel (applySubLabel sigma1 l)
-> groundLabel (applySubLabel (compose sigma1 sigma2) l).
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