Library Sec5_TamarinReduction

Contents :
0: General House Keeping
1: Syntax definitions
2: Equality, membership and extraction functions for the syntax 2A: Equality functions 2B: Membership functions 2C: Extraction of submembers functions
3: Substitution
4: Ground terms and rules instances
5: Tamarin Reduction
6: Example
7: Definitions from Chapter 5 of the thesis
8: Tests and Definitions for Well formedness 8A: Functions to test no or One Input / Output in facts 8B: Definitions on Variables and Terms for Equivalence proof 3B: Well formedness definitions
9: Some useful lemmas on well formedness
10: Definitions from Chapter 6 of the thesis 10A: Types of Facts allowed in the system
11: Props and Theorems from Chapter 6

Load Sec4_Groundterms.


5: Tamarin Reduction


"reduceWithRule r f1 l f2" means that the rule "r" can match the facts "f1" and produce the facts "f2" with the label "label"

Inductive reduceWithGroundRule : rule -> facts -> label -> facts -> Prop :=
   | R_match : forall r s1, (subList (premiseFacts r) s1) ->
                       reduceWithGroundRule r s1 (labelR r)
                         (appendAny (conclFacts r) (removeFacts (premiseFacts r) s1)).

Definition reduceWithRule (r1:rule) (f:facts) (l:label) (f2:facts) : Prop :=
    exists r2, (ginst r2 r1) /\ reduceWithGroundRule r2 f l f2.

Definition reduceWithRules (rs:ruleList) (f:facts) (l:label) (f2:facts) : Prop :=
    exists r2, (ginsts r2 rs) /\ reduceWithGroundRule r2 f l f2.

"reduceWithRuleSigma r f1 l f2" means that the rule "r" can match the facts "f1" and produce the facts "f2" with the label "label"

Definition reduceWithRuleSigma (r1:rule) (sigma:substitution) (f:facts) (l:label) (f2:facts) : Prop :=
    exists r2, (ginstWithSigma r2 sigma r1) /\ reduceWithGroundRule r2 f l f2.

Definition reduceWithRulesSigma (rs:ruleList) (sigma:substitution) (f:facts) (l:label) (f2:facts) : Prop :=
    exists r2, (ginstsWithSigma r2 sigma rs) /\ reduceWithGroundRule r2 f l f2.

Definition freshRuleS (n:freshNameSetup) : rule := (RuleSetup [] emptyLabel [FR_P (Name (Fresh_S n))]).

Definition freshRuleP (n:freshNameProto) : rule := (RuleProto [] emptyLabel [FR_P (Name (Fresh_P n))]).

Inductive run : ruleList -> facts -> trace -> facts -> Prop :=
   | Run_Stop : forall rl f1, run rl f1 [] f1
   | Run_Step : forall rl f1 t f2 f3 l, (reduceWithRules rl f1 l f2)
                        -> (run rl f2 t f3) -> run rl f1 (l::t) f3
   | Run_Step_Silent : forall rl f1 t f2 f3, (reduceWithRules rl f1 emptyLabel f2)
                        -> (run rl f2 t f3) -> run rl f1 t f3
   | Run_FreshStepP : forall rl f1 t f2 f3 fn, (reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) f1 emptyLabel f2)
                        -> (run rl f2 t f3) -> run rl f1 t f3.

Inductive runSigma : ruleList -> substitutions -> facts -> trace -> facts -> Prop :=
   | SigmaRun_Stop : forall rl f1, runSigma rl [] f1 [] f1
   | SigmaRun_Step : forall rl sigmaPrev f1 t f2 f3 l sigmaNow, (reduceWithRulesSigma rl sigmaNow f1 l f2)
                        -> (runSigma rl sigmaPrev f2 t f3) -> runSigma rl (sigmaNow::sigmaPrev) f1 (l::t) f3
   | SigmaRun_Step_Silent : forall rl sigmaPrev f1 t f2 f3 sigmaNow, (reduceWithRulesSigma rl sigmaNow f1 emptyLabel f2)
                        -> (runSigma rl sigmaPrev f2 t f3) -> runSigma rl (sigmaNow::sigmaPrev) f1 t f3
   | SigmaRun_FreshStepP : forall rl f1 t f2 f3 fn sigmaPrev sigmaNow, (reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) sigmaNow f1 emptyLabel f2)
                        -> (runSigma rl sigmaPrev f2 t f3) -> runSigma rl (sigmaNow::sigmaPrev) f1 t f3.
Some useful Lemmas about traces

Lemma reduceWithFirstRule : forall r rl f1 f2 l, reduceWithRule r f1 l f2 -> reduceWithRules (r::rl) f1 l f2.

Lemma reduceWithSecondRule : forall r1 r2 rl f1 f2 l, reduceWithRule r2 f1 l f2 -> reduceWithRules (r1::r2::rl) f1 l f2.

Lemma FreshRulePIsAGroundRule : forall fn, groundRule (freshRuleP fn).

Lemma ProtoFreshNameStep (fn:freshNameProto) :
           forall fs, reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) fs emptyLabel ((FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)))::fs).

Lemma FreshRuleSIsAGroundRule : forall fn, groundRule (freshRuleS fn).

Lemma SetupFreshNameStep (fn:freshNameSetup) :
           forall fs, reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) fs emptyLabel ((FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)))::fs).

Lemma ProtoFreshNameStepEmpty (fn:freshNameProto) :
           reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) [] emptyLabel [ FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)) ].

Lemma SetupFreshNameStepEmpty (fn:freshNameSetup) :
           reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) [] emptyLabel [ FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)) ].

Lemma reduceRulesLessImpliesMore : forall r rl f1 l f2, reduceWithRules rl f1 l f2 -> reduceWithRules (r::rl) f1 l f2.

Lemma runRulesLessImpliesMore : forall r rl f1 t f2, run rl f1 t f2 -> run (r::rl) f1 t f2.

Lemma runTransitive : forall rl s1 s2 s3 l1 l2,
     run rl s1 l1 s2 /\ run rl s2 l2 s3 -> run rl s1 (appendAny l1 l2) s3.

The same Lemmas with substitution
Lemma reduceWithFirstRuleSigma : forall r rl f1 f2 l sigma, reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
                      -> reduceWithRulesSigma (r::rl) sigma f1 l f2.

Lemma reduceWithSecondRuleSigma : forall r1 r2 rl f1 f2 l sigma, reduceWithRuleSigma r2 sigma f1 l f2
                          -> reduceWithRulesSigma (r1::r2::rl) sigma f1 l f2.

Lemma ProtoFreshNameStepSigma (fn:freshNameProto) :
           forall fs sigma, reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) sigma fs emptyLabel ((FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)))::fs).

Lemma SetupFreshNameStepSigma (fn:freshNameSetup) :
           forall fs sigma, reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) sigma fs emptyLabel ((FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)))::fs).

Lemma ProtoFreshNameStepEmptySigma (fn:freshNameProto) :
           reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) subs_empty [] emptyLabel [ FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)) ].

Lemma SetupFreshNameStepEmptySigma (fn:freshNameSetup) :
           reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) subs_empty [] emptyLabel [ FR_P (Name (Fresh_P fn)) ].

Lemma reduceRulesLessImpliesMoreSigma : forall r rl f1 l f2 sigma, reduceWithRulesSigma rl sigma f1 l f2
           -> reduceWithRulesSigma (r::rl) sigma f1 l f2.

Lemma runRulesLessImpliesMoreSigma : forall r rl f1 t f2 sigmas, runSigma rl sigmas f1 t f2
                    -> runSigma (r::rl) sigmas f1 t f2.

Lemma runTransitiveSigma : forall rl f1 f2 f3 l1 l2 sigmas1 sigmas2,
     runSigma rl sigmas1 f1 l1 f2 /\ runSigma rl sigmas2 f2 l2 f3 -> runSigma rl (appendAny sigmas1 sigmas2) f1 (appendAny l1 l2) f3.
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