Library Sec9_LemmasOnWellformedness

Contents :
0: General House Keeping
1: Syntax definitions
2: Equality, membership and extraction functions for the syntax 2A: Equality functions 2B: Membership functionsflk 2C: Extraction of submembers functions
3: Substitution
4: Ground terms and rules instances
5: Tamarin Reduction
6: Example
7: Definitions from Chapter 5 of the thesis
8: Tests and Definitions for Well formedness 8A: Functions to test no or One Input / Output in facts 8B: Definitions on Variables and Terms for Equivalence proof 8C: Well formedness definitions
9: Some useful lemmas on well formedness
10: Definitions from Chapter 6 of the thesis 10A: Types of Facts allowed in the system
11: Props and Theorems from Chapter 6

Load Sec8_Chap6WellFormedRules.

Lemma noOutputsMeansNoOutputs: forall factslist trm, noOutputs factslist -> member (OUT trm) factslist -> False.

Lemma singleOutputEquals : forall trm1 trm2 factsList,
  (member (OUT trm1) factsList) -> (member (OUT trm2) factsList)
       -> oneOutput factsList -> trm1 = trm2.

Rajiv : Added these lemmas
Lemma noOutputsMeansNoOutputsInFactOrFacts: forall f fs t1,
          noOutputs (f::fs) -> not (eq_fact (OUT t1) f) /\ noOutputs fs.

Lemma emptyRuleCantMakeOutput : forall sigma f1 label f2 ,
         reduceWithRuleSigma (RuleProto [] label []) sigma f1 label f2
               -> noOutputs f1 -> noOutputs f2.

Lemma sigmaNoInputFacts: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> noInputs f2 -> noInputs f1.

Lemma sigmaNoInputFacts2: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> noInputs f1 -> noInputs f2.

Lemma sigmaNoOutputFacts: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> noOutputs f1 -> noOutputs f2.

Lemma sigmaNoOutputFacts2: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> noOutputs f2 -> noOutputs f1.

Lemma sigmaNoInputOrOutputFacts: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> noInputOrOutput f1 -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Lemma sigmaOneInputXorOutputFacts: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> oneInputXorOutput f1 -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Axiom sigmaoneOutputXorInputIsFacts: forall f1 f2 sigma trms,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2
              -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 trms.

Lemma sigmaOneInputFact: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> oneInput f2 -> oneInput f1.

Lemma sigmaOneInputFact2: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> oneInput f1 -> oneInput f2.

Lemma sigmaOneOutputFact: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> oneOutput f1 -> oneOutput f2.

Axiom sigmaoneInputXorOutputFact: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> oneInputXorOutput f1 -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Lemma sigmaMoreThanOneOutputFact: forall f1 f2 sigma,
 applySubFacts sigma f1 = f2 -> moreThanOneOutput f1 -> moreThanOneOutput f2.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaNoInputP: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> noInputs f3 -> noInputs f1.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaOneInputP: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> oneInput f3 -> oneInput f1.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaNoOutputC: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> noOutputs f4 -> noOutputs f2.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaNoOutputP: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> noOutputs f3 -> noOutputs f1.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaOneOutputC: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> oneOutput f4 -> oneOutput f2.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaMoreThanOneOutputC: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> moreThanOneOutput f4 -> moreThanOneOutput f2.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaNoInputOutputC: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> noInputOrOutput f4 -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaNoInputOutputP: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> noInputOrOutput f3 -> noInputOrOutput f1.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaOneInputXorOutputC: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> oneInputXorOutput f4 -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaOneInputXorOutputP: forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> oneInputXorOutput f3 -> oneInputXorOutput f1.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaoneOutputXorInputIsC : forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma trms,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> oneOutputXorInputIs f4 trms -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 trms.

Lemma ginstWithSigmaoneOutputXorInputIsP : forall f1 f2 f3 f4 l1 l2 sigma trms,
  ginstWithSigma (RuleProto f1 l1 f2) sigma (RuleProto f3 l2 f4)
   -> oneOutputXorInputIs f3 trms -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms.

Lemma noOutputsTail : forall f fs,
  noOutputs (f::fs) -> noOutputs fs.

Lemma noInputsTail : forall f fs,
  noInputs (f::fs) -> noInputs fs.

Lemma noInputOrOutputTail : forall f fs,
  noInputOrOutput (f::fs) -> noInputOrOutput fs.

Lemma noOutputsAcrossRemoveFact : forall f fs,
  noOutputs fs -> noOutputs (removeFact f fs).

Lemma noOutputsAcrossRemove : forall f1 f2,
  noOutputs f2 -> noOutputs (removeFacts f1 f2).

Axiom oneOutputsAcrossRemove : forall f1 f2,
  oneOutput f2 -> noOutputs f1 -> oneOutput (removeFacts f1 f2).

Axiom oneInputXorOutputAcrossRemove : forall f1 f2,
  oneInputXorOutput f2 -> noInputOrOutput f1 -> oneInputXorOutput (removeFacts f1 f2).

Lemma noInputsAcrossRemoveFact : forall f fs,
  noInputs fs -> noInputs (removeFact f fs).

Lemma noInputOrOutputAcrossRemoveFact : forall f fs,
  noInputOrOutput fs -> noInputOrOutput (removeFact f fs).

Lemma noInputsAcrossRemove : forall f1 f2,
  noInputs f2 -> noInputs (removeFacts f1 f2).

Lemma noInputOrOutputAcrossRemove : forall f1 f2,
  noInputOrOutput f2 -> noInputOrOutput (removeFacts f1 f2).

Lemma AppendNoOutputs : forall f1 f2,
  noOutputs f1 -> noOutputs f2 -> noOutputs (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendNoInputs : forall f1 f2,
  noInputs f1 -> noInputs f2 -> noInputs (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendSingleOutput : forall f1 f2,
  oneOutput f1 -> noOutputs f2 -> oneOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendSingleOutput2 : forall f1 f2,
  oneOutput f2 -> noOutputs f1 -> oneOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendMinOneOutput : forall f1 f2,
  minOneOutput f1 -> noOutputs f2 -> minOneOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendMoreThanOneOutput : forall f1 f2,
  moreThanOneOutput f1 -> noOutputs f2 -> moreThanOneOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendSingleInput : forall f1 f2,
  oneInput f1 -> noInputs f2 -> oneInput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendNoInputOrOutput : forall f1 f2,
  noInputOrOutput f1 -> noInputOrOutput f2 -> noInputOrOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma SplitNoInputOrOutput : forall f1 f2,
  noInputOrOutput (appendAny f1 f2) -> noInputOrOutput f1 -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Lemma noInputOrOutputMeansNoInputsAndNoOutputs: forall fs,
  noInputOrOutput fs -> noInputs fs -> noOutputs fs.

Lemma noInputOrOutputMeansNoInputsAndNoOutputs2: forall fs,
  noInputs fs -> noOutputs fs -> noInputOrOutput fs.

Lemma noInputOrOutputMeansNoInputsAndNoOutputs3: forall fs,
  noInputs fs /\ noOutputs fs -> noInputOrOutput fs.

Lemma noInputOrOutputMeansNoInputsAndNoOutputs4: forall fs,
  noInputOrOutput fs -> noInputs fs /\ noOutputs fs.

Lemma AppendOneInputXorOutput : forall f1 f2,
  oneInputXorOutput f1 -> noInputOrOutput f2 -> oneInputXorOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma AppendOneInputXorOutput2 : forall f1 f2,
  noInputOrOutput f1 -> oneInputXorOutput f2 -> oneInputXorOutput (appendAny f1 f2).

Lemma oneInputAndNoOutputsMeaning: forall fs,
  oneInputAndNoOutputs fs -> oneInput fs -> noOutputs fs.

Lemma oneInputAndNoOutputsMeaning2: forall fs,
  oneInputAndNoOutputs fs -> (oneInput fs /\ noOutputs fs).

Lemma oneInputAndNoOutputsMeaning3: forall fs,
  (oneInput fs /\ noOutputs fs) -> oneInputAndNoOutputs fs.

Lemma noOutputsInputMeansNoInputs: forall fs,
  noInputOrOutput fs -> noInputs fs.

Lemma noOutputsInputMeansNoOutputs: forall fs,
  noInputOrOutput fs -> noOutputs fs.

Lemma noInputDoesNotMeanOneInput : forall fs,
     noInputs fs /\ oneInput fs -> False.

Lemma noOutputDoesNotMeanOneOutput : forall fs,
     noOutputs fs /\ oneOutput fs -> False.

Lemma noInputDoesNotMeanOneInput1 : forall fs,
     noInputs fs -> oneInput fs -> False.

Lemma oneOrOtherXorIn : forall fs,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> oneInput fs -> noOutputs fs.

Lemma oneOrOtherXorOut : forall fs,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> oneOutput fs -> noInputs fs.

Lemma noOutOneInIsOneInXorOut : forall fs,
      oneInput fs /\ noOutputs fs -> oneInputXorOutput fs.

Lemma noInImpliesHasInIsFalse : forall fs,
     noInputs fs -> hasInput fs -> False.

Lemma noOutImpliesHasOutIsFalse : forall fs,
     noOutputs fs -> hasOutput fs -> False.

Lemma maxOneInputXor : forall fs,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> hasInput fs -> oneInput fs.

Lemma noInAndHasInIsFalse : forall fs,
     noInputs fs /\ hasInput fs -> False.

Lemma maxOneInputIfNoOutput : forall fs,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> hasInput fs -> oneInputAndNoOutputs fs.

Lemma maxOneOutputXor : forall fs,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> hasOutput fs -> oneOutput fs.

Lemma noOutputsMeansOneOrNo: forall fs,
   noOutputs fs -> oneOrNoOutput fs.

Lemma oneOutputsInputMeansOneOrNo: forall fs,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs.

Lemma noOutputsInputMeansOneOrNo: forall fs,
  noInputOrOutput fs -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs.

Lemma oneOutputsMeansOneOrNo: forall fs,
   oneOutput fs -> oneOrNoOutput fs.

Axiom outIsNotIn: forall trm t, IN t = OUT trm -> False.

Lemma outIsNotAsubListOfIn: forall trm t, subList [OUT trm] [IN t] -> False.

Axiom subListSimplifiedIn: forall trm t fs, subList [OUT trm] (IN t :: fs) -> subList [OUT trm] fs.

Axiom subListSimplifiedK: forall trm t fs, subList [OUT trm] (K t :: fs) -> subList [OUT trm] fs.

Axiom subListSimplifiedFr: forall trm t fs, subList [OUT trm] (FR_P t :: fs) -> subList [OUT trm] fs.

Axiom subListSimplifiedState: forall trm n t fs, subList [OUT trm] (STATE n t :: fs) -> subList [OUT trm] fs.

Axiom noOutputsSimplified : forall f t trm fs,
noOutputs (removeFact (OUT trm) (f :: fs)) /\ not (eq_fact f (OUT t)) ->
noOutputs (removeFact (OUT trm) fs).

Axiom removeOneOutputOut : forall fs trm,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> (subList [OUT trm] fs) -> noOutputs (removeFact (OUT trm) fs).

Axiom removeOneOutputIn : forall fs trm,
  oneInputXorOutput fs -> (subList [OUT trm] fs) -> noInputs (removeFact (OUT trm) fs).

Axiom InputInSublist : forall f1 f2,
  subList f1 f2 -> oneInput f1 -> oneInput f2.

Lemma oneInputHasInput : forall f1,
  oneInput f1 -> hasInput f1.

Lemma noInputSubst : forall f sigma,
 noInputs f -> noInputs (applySubFacts sigma f).

Lemma oneInputSubst : forall f sigma,
 oneInput f -> oneInput (applySubFacts sigma f).

Lemma oneOutIsOneXorNo : forall fs,
  oneOutput fs -> noInputs fs -> oneInputXorOutput fs.

Lemma subListToHasOutput : forall trm fs,
   subList [OUT trm] fs -> hasOutput fs.

Lemma noOutMeansNoOutSubList : forall f1 trm,
 subList [OUT trm] f1 -> noInputOrOutput f1 -> False.

Lemma InputToOutputMustHaveInput : forall f1 f2 sigma r l,
  reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma r) f1 l f2
  -> InputToOutputProtocolRule r -> hasInput f1.

Lemma StateToOutputNoOutputRule : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  noOutputs f1 -> StateToOutputProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> oneOutput f2.

Axiom StateToStateoneOutputXorInputIs : forall r sigma f1 l f2 trms,
  oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms -> StateToStateProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 trms.

Lemma StateToStateNoOutputRule : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  noInputOrOutput f1 -> StateToStateProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Lemma noInputOutputImpliesOneOutputIsTrue: forall fs,
      noInputOrOutput fs -> oneOutput fs -> True.

Lemma oneOutputImpliesnoInputOutputIsFalse: forall fs,
      oneOutput fs -> noInputOrOutput fs -> False.

Lemma StateToStateOneOutRule : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  oneOutput f1 -> StateToStateProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> oneOutput f2.

Lemma StateToStateXorOutRule : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
   oneInputXorOutput f1 -> StateToStateProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Lemma InputToOutputOneOutRule : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  oneInputAndNoOutputs f1 -> InputToOutputProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> oneOutput f2.

Axiom InputToOutputRemovesInput : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  oneInputXorOutput f1 -> InputToOutputProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> noInputs f2.

Axiom StateToOutputDoesNotAddInput : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  noInputOrOutput f1 -> StateToOutputProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> noInputs f2.

Axiom InputToStateOneOutRule : forall r sigma f1 l f2,
  oneInput f1 -> noOutputs f1 -> InputToStateProtocolRule r ->
    reduceWithRuleSigma r sigma f1 l f2
      -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Lemma InputToStateMustHaveInput : forall f1 f2 sigma r l,
  reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma r) f1 l f2
  -> InputToStateProtocolRule r -> hasInput f1.

Axiom FreshRuleNoOutputToNoOutput : forall f1 f2 fn sigma,
  reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) sigma f1 emptyLabel f2
    -> noInputOrOutput f1 -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Axiom FreshRuleOneOutputToOneOutput : forall f1 f2 fn sigma,
  reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) sigma f1 emptyLabel f2
    -> oneInputXorOutput f1 -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Axiom FreshRuleDoesNotChangeOutputs : forall f1 f2 fn sigma,
  reduceWithRuleSigma (freshRuleP fn) sigma f1 emptyLabel f2
    -> oneOrNoOutput f1 -> oneOrNoOutput f2.

Lemma OneOrNoOutputsFromOutState : forall rlProto sigmas fs1 l fs2,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol rlProto sigmas fs1 l fs2
    -> (oneInputXorOutput fs1 -> wellFormedProtoRuleFromInOut rlProto -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs2)
       /\ (noInputOrOutput fs1 -> wellFormedProtoRuleNoInOut rlProto -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs2).

Axiom SetupRuleNoInOutDoesNotAddInOut : forall r f1 l f2,
  noInputOrOutput f1 -> wellFormedSetupRuleNoInOut r ->
    reduceWithRules r f1 l f2
      -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Axiom SetupRuleFromInOutDoesNotChangeInOut : forall r f1 l f2,
  oneInputXorOutput f1 -> wellFormedSetupRuleFromInOut r ->
    reduceWithRules r f1 l f2
      -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Axiom FreshRuleNoOutputToNoOutput1 : forall f1 f2 fn ,
  reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) f1 emptyLabel f2
    -> noInputOrOutput f1 -> noInputOrOutput f2.

Axiom FreshRuleOneOutputToOneOutput1 : forall f1 f2 fn ,
  reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) f1 emptyLabel f2
    -> oneInputXorOutput f1 -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Axiom FreshRuleDoesNotChangeOutputs1 : forall f1 f2 fn ,
  reduceWithRule (freshRuleP fn) f1 emptyLabel f2
    -> oneOrNoOutput f1 -> oneOrNoOutput f2.

Lemma OneOrNoOutputsFromOutStateSetup : forall rlSetup fs1 l fs2,
  run rlSetup fs1 l fs2
    -> (oneInputXorOutput fs1 -> wellFormedSetupRuleFromInOut rlSetup -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs2)
       /\ (noInputOrOutput fs1 -> wellFormedSetupRuleNoInOut rlSetup -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs2).

Axiom OneOrNoOutputsFromOutStateStdRun : forall rlProto rlSetup sigmas fs1 l fs2,
  runInOrderSigma rlProto rlSetup sigmas fs1 l fs2
    -> (oneInputXorOutput fs1 -> wellFormedProtoRuleFromInOut rlProto -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs2)
       /\ (noInputOrOutput fs1 -> wellFormedProtoRuleNoInOut rlProto -> oneOrNoInputXorOutput fs2).

Axiom OneOrNoOutputsFromOutStateSingle : forall sigma r1 rs f1 l f2,
  groundRule (applySubRule sigma r1)
    -> reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma r1) f1 l f2
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (r1::rs)
        -> oneInputXorOutput f2.

Axiom ruleCanMakeOutput : forall rule sigma f1 label f2 , reduceWithRuleSigma rule sigma f1 label f2
-> noOutputs f1 -> (oneOutput (conclFacts rule)) -> oneOutput f2.

Axiom outputInRuleWillMatchRule : forall rule1 rules sigma f1 l f2 vars,
  reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma rule1) f1 l f2
    -> groundRule (applySubRule sigma rule1)
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (rule1::rules)
        -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts rule1) (OUT vars)
          -> member (OUT (applySubTerms sigma vars)) f2.

Axiom inputsWillMatch : forall rule1 rules sigma f1 l f2 vars,
  reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma rule1) f1 l f2
    -> groundRule (applySubRule sigma rule1)
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (rule1::rules)
        -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts rule1) (IN vars)
          -> member (IN (applySubTerms sigma vars)) f1.

Axiom outputWillMatchFollowingInput : forall rule rs sigma sigmas f1 l f2 vars trms,
runInOrderSigmaProtocol (rule::rs) (sigma::sigmas) f1 l f2
 -> oneInputXorOutput f1 -> member (OUT trms) f1
   -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts rule) (IN vars)
-> eq_terms trms (applySubTerms sigma vars).

Axiom outputIOruleWillMatchRule : forall f1 l f2 rule sigma,
  oneInputXorOutput f1 -> InputToOutputProtocolRule rule
    -> reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma rule) f1 l f2
      -> exists var, member (OUT var) (conclFacts rule) /\ member (OUT (applySubTerms sigma var)) f2.

Axiom OutputInRuleWillMatch : forall r sigma f1 t f2 trms,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol [r] [sigma] f1 t f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 [r]
      -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r) (OUT trms)
        -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs f2 (OUT (applySubTerms sigma trms)).

Axiom outputMatchesNextInput : forall r1 r2 sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 f1 trace f3 ,
    runInOrderSigmaProtocol [r1;r2] [sigma1;sigma2] f1 trace f3
      -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r1) (OUT trms1)
        -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (premiseFacts r2) (IN trms2)
          -> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1) (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Axiom outputMatchesNextInputEnd : forall r1 r2 sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 f1 trace f3 sigmaList rulesList setuprules,
    runInOrderSigma (appendAny rulesList [r1;r2]) setuprules (appendAny sigmaList [sigma1;sigma2]) f1 trace f3
      -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r1) (OUT trms1)
        -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (premiseFacts r2) (IN trms2)
          -> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1) (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Lemma outputMatchesNextInputEndProtocol : forall r1 r2 sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 f1 trace f3 ,
    runInOrderSigmaProtocol ( [r1;r2]) ([sigma1;sigma2]) f1 trace f3
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 [r1;r2]
      -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r1) (OUT trms1) -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts r2) (IN trms2)
          -> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1) (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Axiom InputMatchesFactsProtocol : forall r1 r2 sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 f1 trace f2 ,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol [r1] [sigma1] f1 trace f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 [r1]
      -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms1 -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts r2) (IN trms2)
        -> eq_terms trms1 (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Fixpoint StateToStateRules (rs:list rule) : Prop :=
  match rs with
    | [] => True
    | r::rs => StateToStateProtocolRule r /\ StateToStateRules rs

Fixpoint lastOutputNoInput (trms:terms) (rules:list rule) : Prop :=
match rules with
  | r::rs => (oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r) (OUT trms) /\ StateToStateRules rs)
                           \/ lastOutputNoInput trms rs
  | [] => False

Fixpoint lastOutputNoInputAndSigma (trms:terms) (sigma:substitution) (rules:list rule) (sigmas:substitutions) : Prop :=
match rules, sigmas with
  | r::rs, sig::sigs => (oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r) (OUT trms) /\ StateToStateRules rs /\ sig=sigma)
                           \/ lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms sigma rs sigs
  | _,_ => False

Axiom lastOutputNoInputHasSigma: forall trms (rules:list rule) (f1:facts) rules sigmas f1 trace f2,
  lastOutputNoInput trms rules
    -> runInOrderSigmaProtocol rules sigmas f1 trace f2
      -> exists sigma, member sigma sigmas /\ lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms sigma rules sigmas.

Axiom lastOutputNoInputStdRunHasSigma: forall trms (rlProto:list rule) (rlSetup:list rule) (f1:facts) rlProto rlSetup sigmas f1 trace f2,
  lastOutputNoInput trms rlProto
    -> runInOrderSigma rlProto rlSetup sigmas f1 trace f2
      -> exists sigma, member sigma sigmas /\ lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms sigma rlProto sigmas.

Axiom wellformednessPreserved : forall f1 r rs sigma l f2,
  Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (r :: rs)
    -> reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma r) f1 l f2
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 rs.

Axiom OutputInputUnchangedByStoSrule : forall f1 r sigma l f2 trms,
  reduceWithGroundRule (applySubRule sigma r) f1 l f2
    -> StateToStateProtocolRule r -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms
      -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 trms.

Axiom OutXorInAndOutMeansNoIn : forall trms f1,
subList [OUT trms] f1 -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms -> noInputs f1.

Axiom OneOutRemovedMeansNone : forall trms f1,
subList [OUT trms] f1 -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms -> noOutputs (removeFacts [OUT trms] f1).

Axiom OnlyOneOutputInOxI : forall f1 trms1 trms2,
  oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms1 -> subList [OUT trms2] f1 -> trms1=trms2.

Lemma OutputInputUnchangedByStoSrules : forall rules sigmas f1 trace f2 trms,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol rules sigmas f1 trace f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 rules -> StateToStateRules rules
      -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 trms.

Axiom runInOrderSigmaProtocolTail: forall r rules sigma sigmas f1 trace1 f3,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol (r :: rules) (sigma :: sigmas) f1 trace1 f3
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (r :: rules)
      -> exists f2 trace2 trace3, (runInOrderSigmaProtocol [r] [sigma] f1 trace2 f2
                              /\ runInOrderSigmaProtocol rules sigmas f2 trace3 f3
                                 /\ Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 rules).

Axiom wellformedHead : forall f1 r rules,
  Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (r :: rules) -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 [r].

Lemma lastOutputInFacts : forall rules sigmas f1 trace f2 trms sigma,
 runInOrderSigmaProtocol rules sigmas f1 trace f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 rules
      -> lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms sigma rules sigmas
        -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 (applySubTerms sigma trms).

Lemma outputMatchesNextInputProtocol : forall rules sigmas f1 trace1 f2 ruleLast sigmaLast trace2 f3 trms1 trms2 outSigma,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol rules sigmas f1 trace1 f2
    -> runInOrderSigmaProtocol [ruleLast] [sigmaLast] f2 trace2 f3
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 rules -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 [ruleLast]
        -> lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms1 outSigma rules sigmas -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts ruleLast) (IN trms2)
          -> eq_terms (applySubTerms outSigma trms1) (applySubTerms sigmaLast trms2).

Axiom OutputInRuleWillMatchStdRun : forall r rlSetup sigma f1 t f2 trms,
  runInOrderSigma [r] rlSetup [sigma] f1 t f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 [r]
      -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs (conclFacts r) (OUT trms)
        -> oneOutputAndNoInputIs f2 (OUT (applySubTerms sigma trms)).

Axiom OutputInputUnchangedByStoSrulesStdRun : forall protocolRules setupRules sigmas f1 trace f2 trms,
  runInOrderSigma protocolRules setupRules sigmas f1 trace f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 protocolRules -> StateToStateRules protocolRules
      -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 trms.

Axiom runInOrderSigmaTail: forall r rlProto rlSetup sigma sigmas f1 trace1 f3,
  runInOrderSigma (r :: rlProto) rlSetup (sigma :: sigmas) f1 trace1 f3
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 (r :: rlProto)
      -> exists f2 trace2 trace3, (runInOrderSigma [r] rlSetup [sigma] f1 trace2 f2
                              /\ runInOrderSigma rlProto rlSetup sigmas f2 trace3 f3
                                 /\ Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 rlProto).

Lemma lastOutputInFactsStdRun : forall protocolRules setupRules sigmas f1 trace f2 trms sigma,
 runInOrderSigma protocolRules setupRules sigmas f1 trace f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 protocolRules
      -> lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms sigma protocolRules sigmas
        -> oneOutputXorInputIs f2 (applySubTerms sigma trms).

Axiom InputMatchesFactsStdRun : forall r1 r2 setupRules sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 f1 trace f2 ,
  runInOrderSigma [r1] setupRules [sigma1] f1 trace f2
    -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 [r1]
      -> oneOutputXorInputIs f1 trms1 -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts r2) (IN trms2)
        -> eq_terms trms1 (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Lemma outputMatchesNextInputStdRun : forall protocolRules setupRules sigmas f1 trace1 f2 ruleLast sigmaLast trace2 f3 trms1 trms2 outSigma,
  runInOrderSigma protocolRules setupRules sigmas f1 trace1 f2
    -> runInOrderSigma [ruleLast] setupRules [sigmaLast] f2 trace2 f3
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 protocolRules -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 [ruleLast]
        -> lastOutputNoInputAndSigma trms1 outSigma protocolRules sigmas -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts ruleLast) (IN trms2)
          -> eq_terms (applySubTerms outSigma trms1) (applySubTerms sigmaLast trms2).

Definition variableDirectlyLinkedInputOutput (x:variable) (newRule:rule) (pastRules: list rule) : Prop :=
  exists trms1 trms2, (member (IN trms1) (premiseFacts newRule))
    /\ lastOutputNoInput trms2 pastRules
    /\ baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x) trms1 trms2.

Axiom equalTermsIfbaseTermAtSamePosFunc: forall sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 f l x0,
baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x0) (Func f l :: trms2)
-> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1)
      (applySubTerms sigma2 (Func f l :: trms2))
-> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1)
  (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Axiom baseTermAtSamePosTermsFunc: forall f l x0 trms1 trms2,
baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x0) (Func f l :: trms2)
-> baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x0) trms2 trms1.

Axiom equalTermsIfbaseTermAtSamePosBTerm: forall sigma1 sigma2 trms1 trms2 b x0,
baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x0) (Bterm b :: trms2)
-> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1)
      (applySubTerms sigma2 (Bterm b :: trms2))
-> eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1)
  (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2).

Axiom baseTermAtSamePosTermsBTerm: forall b x0 trms1 trms2,
baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x0) (Bterm b :: trms2)
-> baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x0) trms2 trms1.

Lemma equalTermsMeansEqualVars : forall trms1 sigma1 trms2 sigma2 x,
 eq_terms (applySubTerms sigma1 trms1) (applySubTerms sigma2 trms2)
-> baseTermAtSamePosTerms (Var x) trms2 trms1
 -> sigma1 x = sigma2 x.

Axiom InputFactsEqualMeansEqualTerms: forall t1 t2,
  IN t1 = IN t2 -> t1 = t2.

Axiom oneInputInFactsMeansEqualTerms: forall fs t trms,
member (IN trms) fs -> oneInput (IN t :: fs) -> t = trms.

Lemma InputInFactIsoneInput1 : forall fs trms,
  member (IN trms) fs -> oneInput fs -> noOutputs fs -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs fs (IN trms).

Axiom InputInFactIsoneInputAndNoOutput : forall fs,
  member (IN []) fs -> oneInput fs -> noOutputs fs -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs fs (IN []).

Axiom InputInFactIsoneInputAndNoOutputTerms : forall fs trms,
  member (IN trms) fs -> oneInput fs -> noOutputs fs -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs fs (IN trms).

Axiom InputInFactIsoneInput : forall fs,
  member (IN []) fs -> noOutputs fs -> oneInputIs fs (IN []).

Axiom inputAsMemberIsTheInput : forall f t,
    member (IN t) f -> oneInput f -> oneInputIs f (IN t).

Axiom InputToStateProtoRuleDoesNotAddOut: forall f1 l f2 trms,
member (IN trms) f1 -> InputToStateProtocolRule (RuleProto f1 l f2) -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs f1 (IN trms).

Axiom noInputsMeanNoInFacts : forall trms f,
  member (IN trms) f -> noInputs f -> False.

Lemma oneInputOnlyWellFormedRule : forall trms rule fs rs,
member (IN trms) (premiseFacts rule)
 -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState fs (rule::rs)
 -> oneInputAndNoOutputIs (premiseFacts rule) (IN trms).

Lemma DirectlyLinkedInOutVarsMatchProtocolRules : forall rules sigmas f1 trace1 f2 ruleLast sigmaLast trace2 f3 x,
  runInOrderSigmaProtocol rules sigmas f1 trace1 f2
    -> runInOrderSigmaProtocol [ruleLast] [sigmaLast] f2 trace2 f3
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 rules -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 [ruleLast]
        -> variableDirectlyLinkedInputOutput x ruleLast rules
          -> exists sigma, member sigma sigmas /\ (sigma x) = (sigmaLast x).

Lemma DirectlyLinkedInOutVarsMatchStdRun : forall rlProto rlSetup sigmas f1 trace1 f2 ruleLast sigmaLast trace2 f3 x,
  runInOrderSigma rlProto rlSetup sigmas f1 trace1 f2
    -> runInOrderSigma [ruleLast] rlSetup [sigmaLast] f2 trace2 f3
      -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f1 rlProto -> Def6_2_wellformedRulesFromState f2 [ruleLast]
        -> variableDirectlyLinkedInputOutput x ruleLast rlProto
          -> exists sigma, member sigma sigmas /\ (sigma x) = (sigmaLast x).
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