Centre for Advanced Studies in LinguisticsUniversity of Delhi
Delhi 110007
Email: tanmoy at linguistics dot du dot ac dot in
Phone: +91-11-27666676 ext 108
Office Hours
Varies as per semesterWinter Semester, 2020:
Wed 11:00-1:30
And by appointment
1. Multiple Agreement. First, I worked on a group of languages that evolved from Magadhi Prakrit, namely, languages like Maithili, Magahi, Angika etc., that are different from languages that evolved from Sauraseni Prakrit, namely, Hindi-Urdu, in being multiple-argument agreement languages. In Bhattacharya (2016), I tried to show that these groups of languages are parametrically different from Hindi-Urdu in certainly this aspect of agreement, and therefore a different theoretical explanation for the phenomenon of agreement must be found. Following that research, in Bhattacharya (2017a,b, 2018b), I have tried to show that with the pronominal cliticization phenomenon in the Munda languages, at least in the Kherwarian or North Munda languages like Mundari, Santhali and Ho, again we find that both the subject and the object pronominals cliticize on to the predicate (and/or a pre-verbal element). I tried to show that this phenomenon, being different technically from agreement, again requires a different theoretical treatment. In Bhattacharya (2018a) and Bhattacharya and Sharma (forthcoming), this observation was extended to the agreeing Tibeto-Burman languages across the Himalayan region (including Nepal) and southern Chin languages in Mizoram. Apart from these being microparameters across a contiguous belt extending eastward from the foothills of the Himalayas to Burma, verb-indexation and/or agreement with more than one argument seems not to be that uncommon even within South Asia.
2. Participial Agreement. In a research that began in 2015, I found clear cases of syntactic variation and optionality in agreement in relative and adverbial participles in Hindi-Urdu. I presented the results in the 34th SALA meeting in Konstanz in 2018, followed by a more detailed version at the 12th Asian GLOW at Seoul in 2019. This work is now about to come out in a volume from Mouton titled Trends in South Asian Linguistics edited by Ghanshyam Sharma and John Lowe.
3.Wh, Superiority and Sluicing. Are the so-called Wh-in-situ languages really in-situ or do they involve Wh-Movement? In a major break from the tradition, in joint work with Andrew Simpson of the USC, I show that not only is Bangla a
4. Argument Structure. The word order issues that come up with the structure of complex sentences and displacement --
as above -- find clearer expressions in the domain of ditransitives, especially with respect to the positioning of the High
versus the low. Futhermore, the unique presence of the phenomenon of "multiple agreement" in handful of Eastern/ Central Indian
languages, provides insight into the make-up of argument strucure in general. Finally, the gerundal/ causative origin of the Bangla
passive throw further light on argument strucure in terms of the alignment of its arguments.
- -Hearer in a Clause: The Case of Addressee Agreement.Invited Public lecture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim; October, 2011.
- Diagnosing double object constructions in Bangla/Bengali Lingua, Vol 121, Issue 6, May 2011.
- Butterpillar or Caterfly? The Bangla Passive in a Minimalist Parser. Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium on Modeling and Shallow Parsing of Indian Languages (MSPIL). IIT, Mumbai; 2006.
- Argument Structure, John Benjamins; 2007(2007)
5. Clause-internal Complementizers. Although Bangla behaves likes some of the other Indo-Aryan languages
in terms of the order of the embedded clause in relation to the matrix predicate in showing a mixed-order, namely, [SV[SOV]],
it has a unique feature of clause-internal placement of the COMP which is not shared by any other language. Making use of the
Antisymmetry theory of Syntax, it is shown that not only does the model provide a satisfactory account of the phenomenon, the
notion of "what is not a Phase" becomes a crucial theoretical tool that provides the much needed justification for the set of
movements in Antisymmetry.
- Comp-internal Clauses in Bangla Revisited. Invited Public lecture at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim; October, 2011.
- Focus Accent in Bangla Complex Sentences. Interdisciplinary Journal of Linguistics Vol 1, 2008; Kashmir University.
- Peripheral and Clause-internal Complementizers in Bangla: A Case for Remnant Movement. Proceedings of Western Conference in Linguistics 2000, Fresno, CA; 2002.
- The Puzzle of Bangla Comp-Internal Clauses. Snippets 3, Universite di Urbino; 2001
6. Minimalist Theory. Questions about the "Program" are being raised in terms of the Architecture
especially with regards to the procedures a language follows to specify a language and to generate an expression. More
than this, however, the issue of the role of the interfaces in the Minimalist Program attained the kind of importance not
previously seen. It was therefore somewhat surprising that there weren't many papers that dealt with this new twist in the MP;
my work in this area has been to offset that to some extent.
- With Eyes Wide Shut: Sharing as Freedom. In Knowledge, Language and Learning, edited by Rama Kant Agnihotri and H.D. Dewan, Macmillan, Delhi; 2010
- India not as a Linguistic Area: An insight from Minimalism. In Emeneu Centenary Celebration Volume, CIIL, Mysore; 2008.
- Seeking Alternative Truths: A Postmodern Reading of Minimalism. Alochona Chakra, (Special issue on Chomsky) Vol 25 [In Bangla]; 2007.
- Why Cleft?. Proceedings of the 23rd SALA Meeting, University of Texas, Austin;2003.
- Minimal Look-Ahead. Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 4, London /Delhi: Sage Publication; 2002.
- Review of Mind Design and Minimalist Syntax.
7. Noun Phrases. With a talk in 1992 in Hyderabad, I inititated the work on the nominal domain in the
Indian languages from the perspective of the DP Hypothesis. Much of my early work in Syntax was devoted to the nominal
domain. My 1999 PhD from UCL was on the Structure of the Bangla DP, where it was shown that some languages may employ phrasal
rather than Head movement inside the DP. Within the DP, the Spec, the Head, and the complement domain were examined from the
perspective of new data/ construction which included the proposal for nP for the first time (in line with vP) in a talk in
York, UK in 1996.
- Numeral/ Quantifier-Classifier as a Complex Head. In Semi-Lexical Heads, Mouton de Gruyter; (2001)
- Gerundial Aspect and NP Movement. in Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 3, London: Sage Publication; (2000)
- In search of the vague ‘one’. CONSOLE 7, University of Leiden; (1999)
- Weak possession and deixis inside DP. CONSOLE 7, University of Leiden; (1999)
- DP Internal Specificity in Bangla. In Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2, London: Sage Publication; (1999)
- DP-Internal NP Movement. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 10; (1998)
- Kinship Inversion in Bangla. PLUM Series 7, University of Manchester; (1998)