Head of the DepartmentRoom 218
Department of Linguistics
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007
head at linguistics dot du dot ac dot intanmoy at linguistics dot du dot ac dot in
Office Hours (for academic appts.)
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Active Sites
Editor: ́Indian Journal of Critical Disability StudiesBlogging on Mother Languages: ekushé

Tanmoy Bhattacharya (PhD, University College London, 1999 as a Commonwealth Scholar) joined the Department of Linguistics, University of Delhi in 2001 as an Associate Professor after a postdoctoral stint as a research scientist in the Cognitive Science Group of the University of Leipzig, Germany.
He has been a Professor of Linguistics since 2009 and is currently the Head of the Department of Linguistics. He specilises in Syntax and has also guides research on Sign Language, Psycholinguistics, Parsing, Conversational Analysis, Gender and Disability. He is also the founder secretary of FOSSSIL, which a runs a very successful international Summer School in Syntax & Semantics.Outside of Linguistics, he works in Disability Studies and has been running a reading group called Critical Disability Studies in India (CDSI) since 2012.
Recent talks
Most recent invited talks (linguistics):
Most recent invited talks (Disability):
Most recent invited talks (Linguistics-Disability):
Publication of the Inaugural Issue of the New Journal:
Citation Index
A recent Honour
A recent Panel discussion
A Panel discussion on Linguistics, Mathematics, and Philosophy on "The Not So Obvious"; the other panelists were Meena Mahajan (Computer Science, IMSc, Chennai) and Kit (Philosophy, APU, Bangalore). It was recorded on September 28, 2019 in Mumbai and is the 151st episode of the web talk series SynTalk. Listen to it here
Another Panel discussion
A Panel discussion on Linguistics, Genetics, and Philosophy on "Types & Tokens"; the other panelists were Primabada Sarkar (Philosophy, Calcutta University) and Rakesh Mishra (Director, CCMB, Hyderabad). It was recorded on June 9, 2018 in Mumbai and is the 117th episode of the web talk series SynTalk. Listen to it here
A recent Short Film
An interview with the famous balladeer from Manipur, Ibemni Devi was made into a short documentary under a Sahapedia UNESCO Fellowhsip:Recent Papers
- (2020) Service and Knowledge: The Emergence of Disability Studies Extension in: Mehrotra N. (ed.) , Disability Studies in India, Springer, First Online 03 April 2020.
- (2018) Disability Studies as Resistance: The Politics of Estrangement in In: Anita Ghai (ed.) Disability in South Asia: Knowledge and Experience, Sage India: Delhi, pp75-98.
- (2018) Being Human Again: Stories of Evolution; Part 2, neScholar vol. 1.4; 44-53
- (2017) Being Human Again: Stories of Evolution; Part 1, neScholar vol. 3.4; 20-30
- (2017) Peopling the Northeast: Part 5, neScholar vol. 3.3; 54-64
- (2017) Peopling the Northeast: Part 4, neScholar vol. 3.1; 52-65
- (2017) Adoption of Universal Design for Learning for Meaningful Inclusion,Child and Disability edited by D. Sonpal, S. Prasad, and S. Vaishnav, Prabhat Publishing House
- (2016) Peopling the Northeast: Part 3, neScholar vol. 2.4; 66-75
- (2016) Peopling the Northeast: Part 2, neScholar vol. 2.4; 66-75
- (2016)Inner/Outer Politeness in Central Māgadhan Prākrit Languages: Agree as Labeling”, in Linguistics Analysis, vol. 40 (3-4), 1-40.
- (2016) Diversity at Workplace and in Education in N. Ghosh (ed.), Interrogating Disability in India, Springer.
- (2016) To Be Human: The Introduction, neScholar vol. 2.3; 66-73
- (2016) But Words Can Never Hurt: The Linguistic Construction of Disability in Text and Discourse, Language and Language Teaching vol. 5.2.10; 53-60
- (2015) Copula-less Nominal Sentences and Matrix-C0 Clauses: A Planar View of Phrase Structure, in The UCL Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 27, Edited by Laura E. Aldridge and Caterina Paolazzi, 1-20.
- (2015-16) Pollock-er Bakko-bhango othoba Butterfly Effect, (in Bangla: Pollock's Sentence-breaking or the Butterfly Effect), Ebong Mushayra Vol 22, Nos. 3-4 (pp. 21-32)
- (2014) Sign Iconicity and New Epistemologies,, in The Sign Language(s) of India edited by Tanmoy Bhattacharya et al., Orient BlackSwan, Delhi
- (2014) Legislation and Policies in relation to Sign Language and Sign Language Rights, in The Sign Language(s) of India edited by Tanmoy Bhattacharya et al., Orient BlackSwan, Delhi
- Sluicing in Indo-Aryan: An investigation of Bangla and Hindi, (with Andrew Simpson) Sluicing in a cross-linguistic perspective, OUP(2012)
- Diagnosing double object constructions in Bangla/Bengali , (with Andrew Simpson) Lingua 121.6, 2011
- Space-Machine, (with Hidam Gourshyam) Proceedings of Episteme 4, Homi Bhaba Centre for Science, Mumbai, 2011
- The politics of multiculturalism, (with H. Basantarani) Problematizing Language Studies, ed. By Imtiaz Hasnain and Shreesh Choudhary; AAKAR Books, Delhi, 169-184, 2010
- Re-examining Issue of Inclusion in Education, Economic and Political Weekly of India, 17th April, 2010