Dr. Dileep K. Singh is a Professor in the Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi since January 1, 2009 and is working on pesticide toxicology, bioremediation of pesticide molecules, antibiotics, complex molecules and heavy metals, soil microbial ecology, soil microbial taxonomy, soil health and soil fertility, waste water treatment, food and feed traceability and food adulterations. He has about twenty four years of teaching experiences in Postgraduate Departments of the University i.e. in the Department of Zoology and Department of Agrochemicals and Pest Management and has similar years of research experiences. He has completed Sixteen research projects funded by FAO / IAEA, NATP-CGP (ICAR-World Bank), ICAR , DBT, DST NABSFARA (2) and DU-DST Purse Scheme. Two ongoing research projects are funded by IAEA/FAO, NASF (1, completed) and Ministry of Earth Science (Co-PI, 2021-2023).
He has published 85 international papers in journals like J. Agricultural Food Chemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, Chemosphere, Canadian J. Microbiology, Biodegradation, J. Environ. Science and Health, Journal of Hazardous Materials and Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol, Annals of Microbiology, Journal of Basic Microbiology. Impact factor of these journals ranges between 3.154 to 6.198. About 12 national papers are published in journals like Pesticide Research Journal, Indian J. of Microbiology and Indian J. of Entomology. He was an Executive Editor of Indian J. of Microbiology between 2006-2008. Reviewed many international research papers i.e. FEMS Microbiology Letter, J. Environmental Science and Health (B), Bull. NRC , Applied Soil Ecology, International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Chemosphere, Environmental Science and Technology etc. and two books on microbiology. About 100 abstracts were published in proceedings of conferences, symposium and workshops. He has published two popular books on pesticides in Hindi and has contributed two chapters in other book. He had been associated in writing chapters on Pesticide in e-book by NISCAIR (CSIR), New Delhi, India (2005). e-Chapters on "Toxicology of insecticides" and Insecticidal method of pest control are available on the website http://nsdl.niscair.res.in/, posted on 28th September, 2007. He was a member of working group for creating e-content for ACPM constituted by NISCAIR, New Delhi , India (2006). Member of Content Advisory Committee for Biology, constituted by MHRD New Delhi for the preparation of e-Biology Book (2006) on http://sakshat.gov.in/. He has been elected as a Treasurer AMI (Association of Microbiologists of India) for the period 2011-2014 and re-elected for second term 2014-2017. He is President (2021), Associan of Microbiologists of India. He is also nominated as Joint Secretary, INSCR (Indian Network of Soil Contamination Research) for 2011-2013. He has been awarded FAMI at Platinum Jubilee Year of the Association of Microbiologists of India, 2013. He was a member of Task Force : Wealth of India, CSIR-NISCAIR, 2015. He is a member of Wildlife Institute of India, society for three years with effect from September 25th, 2017.
Tweenty three students have obtained their Doctorate Degree under his supervision and seven students are working for the same. Four Post Doctorate students had also worked with him. About 31 students have obtained their M. Phil. Degree under his supervision and about 74 students of M.Sc. (ACPM, Zoology, Environmental Science and others) has submitted their projects. He is a member of The National Academy of Sciences (M.N.A.Sc.), Allahabad. India (2008), American Chemical Society, Pesticide Society of India, The Association of Microbiologists of India, and Entomological Society of India. His research group is working on pesticide residue analysis, soil microbial ecology, soil health and microbial bioremediation of pesticides and heavy metals and food and feed traceability. He was an elected member of Academic Council (2002-2006) of University of Delhi for two terms and had four years administrative experiences as Resident Tutor in one of the PG hostels of the University. He is a member of many committees in the university and in other organizations.
Career Profile |
Organization/Institution |
Designation |
Duration |
Role |
Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi |
Professor |
January 1st, 2009 -Till date |
Teaching and Research |
Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi |
Associate Professor |
1st, 2006 - 31 December, 2008 |
Teaching and Research |
Department of Zoology,
University of Delhi,
Delhi |
Reader |
February 20th, 2002 to December 31st , 2005
Teaching and Research |
Department of Zoology,
University of Delhi,
Delhi |
Lecture |
October 15th , 1996 to February 19th, 2002 |
Teaching and Research |
Department of Zoology,
University of Delhi,
Delhi |
University Research Associate |
February 17th , 1993 to October 15th , 1996 |
Research |