
SCI Indexed (2010 - ):

  • Rajni Dabas and Neelima Gupta. "Uniform Capacitated Facility Location with Outliers/Penalties". accepted in Elsevier Journal of Discrete Optimization, Volume 45, article ID 100723, (IF= 1.509).
  • Rajni Dabas, Neelima Gupta and Tanmay Inamdar. "FPT Approximations for Capacitated/Fair Clustering with Outliers". accepted in Elsevier Journal of Theoretical Computer Science(SCIE Indexed, IF=0.9)
  • Sapna Grover, Neelima Gupta and Samir Khuller. August 2022. "LP-based approximation for uniform capacitated facility location problem". Elsevier Journal of Discrete Optimization, Volume 45, article ID 100723, (IF= 1.509).
  • Rahul Johari, Neelima Gupta, Sandhya Aneja. November 2015. "Experimental Evaluation of Routing Schemes for Intermittently Connected Wireless Mobile Networks". Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 87, Number 3, pp: 897-921, DOI=10.1007/s11277-015-3109-4. (IF=0.951), BIB Entry
  • Preeti Nagrath, Sandhya Aneja, Neelima Gupta and Sanjay Madria. May 2015. "Protocols for Mitigating Blackhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks." Springer journal on Wireless Networks, DOI 10.1007/s11276-015-0959-3. (IF = 1.055), BIB Entry
  • Rahul Johari, Neelima Gupta, Sandhya Aneja. May 2015. "CONCOR: Context-aware community-oriented routing for intermittently connected network." EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2015, Number 1, DOI 10.1186/s13638-015-0357-7. (IF = 1.529), BIB Entry
  • P. Mansouri, B. Asady, N. Gupta. April 2015. "The Bisection-Artificial Bee Colony algorithm to solve Fixed point problems", Elsevier Journal of Applied Soft Computing, Volume 26, pp: 143-148. (IF=2.679), BIB Entry
  • Rahul Johari, Neelima Gupta, Sandhya Aneja. January 2015. "POSOP Routing Algorithm: A DTN Routing Scheme for Information Connectivity of Health Centres in Hilly State of North India." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 11, Number 6, DOI 10.1007/s11276-015-0959-3. (IF = 1.023), BIB Entry
  • Sonika Arora, Neelima Gupta, Samir Khuller, Yogish Sabharwal,Swati Singhal, August 2014, "Facility Location with Red-Blue Demands", Elsevier journal OR Letters (IF .624), volume 42, pp:462-465, BIB Entry
  • P. Mansouri, B. Asady, N. Gupta. April 2012. "An Approximation Algorithm for Fuzzy Polynomial Interpolation with Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, Elsevier Journal of Applied Soft Computing. (Impact Factor 2.679), Volume 13, Issue 4, 1997-2002, BIB Entry
  • Ankit Aggarwal, L. Anand, Manisha Bansal, Naveen Garg, Neelima Gupta, Shubham Gupta and Surabhi Jain June 2012. "A 3-approximation for facility location with uniform capacities", Journal of Mathematical Programming (Impact Factor = 1.97), BIB Entry
  • Sandhya Khurana and Neelima Gupta. September 2011. "End-to-end protocol to secure ad hoc networks against wormhole attacks",In Wiley Journal of Security AND Communication Networks(Impact Factor = .433.), volume 4, issue 9, pp. 994 - 1002, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Seema Aggarwal. 2010. "MIB: Using Mutual Information for Biclustering gene expression data." Elsevier Journal of Pattern Recognition, Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 2692-2697 (IF = 2.584), BIB Entry

Conference Papers:

  • Rajni Dabas, Naveen Garg and Neelima Gupta. July 2024. "Capacitated Facility Location with Outliers and Uniform Facility Costs". In Proceedings of 25th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO), Wroclaw, Poland, LNCS 13595, Springer.
  • Maulein Pathak, Yogish Sabharwal and Neelima Gupta. June 2023. "Scalable algorithms for compact spanners on real world graphs". In Proceedings of ICS, Pg:386-397.
  • Rajni Dabas and Neelima Gupta. October 2022. "Capacitated Facility Location with Outliers/Penalties". In Proceedings of COCOON, Pg: 549-560.
  • Rajni Dabas, Naveen Garg, Neelima Gupta and Dilpreet Kaur. October 2022. "Locating Service and Charging Stations". In Proceedings of WAOA, Pg: 1-19.
  • Neelima Gupta, Sapna Grover and Rajni Dabas. October 2021. "Respecting Lower Bounds in Uniform Lower and Upper Bounded Facility Location Problem". In Proceedings of COCOON, Pg: 463 - 475.
  • Sapna Grover, Neelima Gupta , Samir Khuller and Aditya Pancholi. December 2018. "Constant factor Approximation Algorithm for Uniform Hard Capacitated Knapsack Median Problem". In Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Pg: 337-358. , BIB Entry
  • Manisha Bansal, Naveen Garg and Neelima Gupta. December 2018. "A 5-approximation for Universal Facility Location". In Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Pg: 359-370., BIB Entry
  • Sapna Grover, Neelima Gupta, Aditya Pancholi. October 2018. "Improved Local Search Based Approximation Algorithm for Hard Uniform Capacitated k-Median Problem". Informatica (Slovenia) 42(3)., BIB Entry
  • Anshul Aggarwal, Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Neelima Gupta, Yogish Sabharwal, Sachin Sharma, Sonika Thakral. "Replica Placement on Bounded Treewidth Graphs." Accepted in Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, 2017, BIB Entry
  • Geeta Aggarwal, Neelima Gupta. 2017. BiETopti: biclustering ensemble technique using optimisation. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, IJBRA 13(2), pp: 109-130, BIB Entry
  • Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Neelima Gupta, Aditya Pancholi, Sambuddha Roy. February 2015. "Fast Algorithms for Constrained Graph Density Problems." 9th International Workshop on Algorithms and Computation, 8-19, BIB Entry
  • Sonika Arora, Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Kanika Gupta, Neelima Gupta, Yogish Sabharwal: Replica Placement on Directed Acyclic Graphs. FSTTCS, Dec. 2014: 213-225, BIB Entry
  • Anirudh Chakravorty, Neelima Gupta, Neha Lawaria, Pankaj Kumar, Yogish Sabharwal. December 2013. "Algorithms for the Relaxed Multiple-Organization Multiple-Machine Scheduling Problem", 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing:30-38, BIB Entry
  • Sonika Arora, Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy, Neelima Gupta, Koyel Mukherjee, Yogish Sabharwal. December 2013. "Replica Placement via Capacitated Vertex Cover.", 33rd Annual Conference on Foundation of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 263-274, BIB Entry
  • Geeta Aggarwal and Neelima Gupta. December 2013. "BEMI Bicluster Ensemble Using Mutual Information", 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Florida, USA, IEEE. 321-32, BIB Entry
  • Rahul Johari, Neelima Gupta, Sandhya Aneja. November 2013 "CACBR: context aware community based routing for intermittently connected network.", 10th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks, DOI: 10.1145/2507248.2507272, pp:137-140, BIB Entry
  • Geeta Aggarwal and Neelima Gupta. July 2013. "BiETopti-BiClustering Ensemble using Optimization Techniques", ICDM:181-192, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta, Sandhya Aneja. April 2013. "Discovering Minimum Exposed Path to Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks in optimal O(|P|) time after pre-processing. International Journal of Next Generation Computing, 4(1), BIB Entry
  • P. Mansouri, B. Asady, N. Gupta. 2013. "The Combination of Bisection Method and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Solving Hard Fix Point Problems. Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 188, pp 33-41, BIB Entry
  • Rahul Johari, Neelima Gupta, Sandhya Aneja. January 2013. "DSG-PC: Dynamic Social Grouping Based Routing for Non-uniform Buffer Capacities in DTN Supported with Periodic Carriers", Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 115, pp 1-15, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-37949-9_1, BIB Entry
  • Sandhya Aneja, Neelima Gupta. January 2012."Reliable Distance Vector routing protocol to handle Blackhole and Selfish (RDVBS) nodes in Ad hoc Networks, IJNGC 3(1).
  • Manisha Bansal, Naveen Garg and Neelima Gupta. September 2012. "A 5-approximation for capacitated facility location", In Proceedings of European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) (IF = .99), BIB Entry
  • Garima Gupta, Preeti Nagrath, Sandhya Aneja and Neelima Gupta. October 2012."Reference Based Approach to Mitigate Blackhole Attacks in Delay Tolerant Networks",In proceedings of ACM Q2SWiNET, BIB Entry
  • Vasudha Bhatnagar, Sharanjit Kaur and Neelima Gupta. June 2009. "Identifying Informative Dimensions in Streaming Clusters", In Proceedings of IEEE ICIS, BIB Entry
  • Leena Singhal, Neha Jain, Geeta Gupta and Neelima Gupta. December 2009. "Discovering Maximal Subsequence Patterns in Sequence Database", International Conference on Methods and Models in Computer Science (ICM2CS09). JNU, Delhi, India, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Seema Agarwal. December 2009."Modeling Biclustering as an optimization problem using Mutual Information", International Conference on Methods and Models in Computer Science (ICM2CS09) JNU, Delhi, India, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandhya Khurana. 2008. "SEEEP: Simple and Efficient End-to-End Protocol to secure Ad Hoc Networks against Wormhole Attacks". Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC, IEEE, BIB Entry
  • Sandhya Khurana and Neelima Gupta. 2008. "FEEEPVR: First End-to-End Protocol to secure Ad Hoc Networks of Variable Range against Wormhole Attacks". Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, SECURWARE , IEEE, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Seema Aggarwal. 2008. "MIBiClus: Mutual Information based Biclustering Algorithm." Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 30, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Seema Aggarwal. 2008."MIB: Using Mutual Information for Biclustering High Dimensional Data." IADIS, European Conference on Data Mining, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Seema Aggarwal. 2008. "SISA: Seeded Iterative Signature Algorithm for Biclustering Gene Expression data." IADIS, European Conference on Data Mining, BIB Entry
  • Sandhya Khurana, Neelima Gupta and Nagendra Aneja. 2007. "Minimum Exposed Path to the Attack (MEPA) in Mobile Ad hoc Networks." International Conference on Networking, IEEE, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sumit Chopra. 2007. "Optimal, output-sensitive algorithms for constructing the upper envelope of line segments in parallel." IEEE Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
  • Sandhya Khurana, Neelima Gupta and Nagendra Aneja. 2006. "Reliable Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol." International Conference on Networking, IEEE, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandeep Sen. 2003."Faster Output-Sensitive Parallel algorithms for 3D Convex hulls and Vector maxima." IEEE Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Volume 63, Issue 4, Pages 488-500, BIB Entry
  • Ashwini Garg, Ashish Mangla, Neelima Gupta and Vasudha Bhatnagar. 2006. "PBIRCH: A Scalable Parallel Clustering algorithm for Incremental Data." IDEAS,Tenth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, IEEE, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta, Sumit Chopra and Sandeep Sen. 2001. "Optimal, output-sensitive algorithms for constructing the upper envelope of line segments in parallel." Proceedings of Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), Bangalore India, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandeep Sen. 2001."Parallel output size sensitive algorithm for Hidden Surface removal for terrains." Algorithmica,31,2001,179-207, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandeep Sen. 1999. "Efficient parallel output size sensitive algorithms". WOPA, held as part of ACMs third Federated Computing Research Conference, USA.
  • Sandeep Sen and Neelima Gupta. 1999. "Distribution-sensitive algorithms". Nordic Journal of computing, 6, 194-211, BIB Entry
  • Sandeep Sen and Neelima Gupta. 1998. . "Distribution sensitive algorithms". SWAT, 6th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Stockholm, Sweden, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer 1998, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandeep Sen. 1998. . "An improved output-size sensitive parallel algorithm". International Parallel Processing Symposium / 9th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing IPPS/SPDR, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandeep Sen. 1997. "Optimal,output-sensitive algorithms for constructing planar hulls in parallel". Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 8, 151-166, BIB Entry
  • Neelima Gupta and Sandeep Sen. 1996. . "Faster Output-Sensitive Parallel Convex hulls for d<=3: Sublogarithmic algorithms for small outputs". Proc. Of 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, BIB Entry