The abstract are to be submitted online only (see conference website). The Abstract should be within one A4 page in MS word format, font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing 1.5. The title of the paper should be in font-Times New Roman, 14, bold and centred, followed by authors' name, affiliation, and email of corresponding author. Figures, if necessary, should also be accommodated in the same page. The reference format should be as follows, Murray, A. S., Wintle, A. G., 2000, Rad. Meas. 32, 57-73.
Proceedings of IRNANO-2009 and Abstracts will be published at the Workshop. Efforts will also be made to publish the invited talks and the contributory papers in the form of a book or as a special issue of a journal such as Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics. However, this will be done after the workshop. The Abstract along with the Registration Form, DD for registration fee, etc. may be sent to: