November 24-26, 2009  
Organized by

University of Delhi,
Delhi National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi and
Luminescence Society (Delhi Chapter)

The Patrons
About the Workshop
Scope of the Workshop
Important dates
Registration Form
Contact Person
Abstract and the Manuscript
Advisory Committee
National Organizing Committee
Tentative list of Invited Speakers
Local Organizing Committee
 Advisory Committee:
Dr. T. Ramaswami, Secretary, DST
Prof. S. K. Tandon, PVC, DU
Dr. Vikram kumar, Director, NPL
Prof A. A. Rupasov, PNLPI, Moscow
Prof. V. B. Rozanov, PNLPI, Moscow
Dr. V. E. Aleynikov, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Prof. Karel Kolacek, IPP, Prague
Dr. Anil Kakodkar, ACE, India
Dr. S. Banerji, Director, BARC
Prof. S. K. Joshi, NPL
Dr. S. K. Throat, Chairman, UGC
Dr. Vishwa Mohan Katoch, DG, ICMR, Delhi
Dr. N. K. Ganguly, Immunology Foundation, Delhi
Dr. S. K. Sharma, AERB, Mumbai
Dr. Amit Roy, Director, IUAC, Delhi
Dr. D. Kanjilal, IUAC, Delhi
Dr. Jagdish Kapoor, Director, CFEES, DRDO,
Dr. P. Rama Rao, BRNS, Mumbai
Prof. R. A. Yadav, Chairman, AICTE
Dr. M. K. Bhan, Secretary, DBT
Sh. Jainder Singh, Secretary, DIT
Prof. R. K. Kale, VC, Gujrat Central University
Dr. Satish K. Kaura, CMD, SAMTEL
Prof. V. N. Bhoraskar, Pune University
Prof. S. V. Moharil, RTM Nagpur University