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Distinguished Reserach Positions Held
- Worked as Post-doctoral Research Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT), USA, Feb. 1980 - June 1982 (2 years 5 months).
British Council Fellow at the University of Leeds (U.K.) 1987.
Awarded Natural Science & Energy Research Council (NSERC/CIDA) Associateship of Canada to work at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada (1994-95).
Visiting Scientist for one year (1994) at University of Quebec, Canada and subsequently Five times after that during summer vacations.
Invited by the Seoul National University to deliver talks for 2 weeks in November, 1996.
Visiting Professor, University of Angers (France) July, 2008.
Visited New Mexico, Mexico as Co-Principal Investigator in the project "Theoretical and Experimental Study ..................... Formation of RF Waves" under Indo-Maxican S&T program of Cooperation, July 2010.
Visiting Scientist, University of Leeds, United Kingdom in July 2010.
- Visited National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan, in project "Metal Oxide Nanowire Based Nanoelectronic Devices" under Indo-Taiwan S&T program of Cooperation, during October 10-31, 2014.