Photo Gallery |
Members |
Group Leader: Prof. R. P. Tandon, Ph.D. |
Designation: Professor of Physics
Address: Room No-130, Multistory Building, Department of Physics and Astrophysics,
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
Phone: +91-2766 7725; Ext: 1367
Fax: +91-27667061
Mobile: +91-98 18 22 96 08
Email: rptandon9@physics.du.ac.in,
Webpage: http://people.du.ac.in/~rptandon9 |
Researchers |
Dr. N. C. Mehra
Affiliation: Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi-10007
Email: nc_mehra@yahoo.com
Phone: +91-98 18 48 59 44 |
Dr. V. K Sachdev
Job Title: Principle Investigator,
Formerly: Professor & HOD MSIT IP University, New Delhi
Office Location: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi
Research Interest: Composites,Polymer Composites,Nano Composites,Polymer Sensors,EMI Shielding,High Pressure Physics.
Telephone: +91-9868304744
Email: vk_sachdev@yahoo.com |
Dr. Manoj Kumar Arora
Job Title: Associate Professor Adjunct Professor-Ministry of Education, ERITREA
Formerly-Professor and Director EIT (Ministry of Education-ERITREA)
Office Location: Ramjas College, University of Delhi
Research Interest: Thin Films and NanoTechnology,Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Materials,Conducting Polymers and their Solar Cells
Telephone: +91-9899777945
Email: drmanojarora@yahoo.com |
Dr. Swati Arora
Job Title: Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor-Ministry of Education, ERITREA
Office Location:Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi
Research Interest: Polymer Photo-Voltaic Solar Cells
Telephone: +91-9811823560
Email: drswatia@yahoo.com |
Research Collaborator |
Dr. Ajit Mahapatro |
Job Title:Assitant Professor
Office Location:Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Research Interest:Designing, fabrication,
and characterization of nanomaterial devices for nanobioelectronics, and biotechnology using advanced nanotechnology tools
For more detail, click'here' |
INSPIRE Faculty Fellow |
Dr. Arti Gupta |
Job Title: DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India
Residential address:
Field of research: Synthesis and Chracterization of Multiferroic Laminated and Thin Film Composites
Email: artigupta80@gmail.com |
Ph.D Scholars |
Mr. Surender Kr. Sharma |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work Place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Mr. Rajveer Singh |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 and Department of Physics ,Gargi College ,Sri Fort Road New Delhi-110049
Residential address: BG-6/359D PASCHIM VIHAR NEW DELHI-110063
Field of research:
Telephone: +91-9968648807
Email: rajveersingh2004@gmail.com |
Mr. Deepak Kumar |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 and Solid State Physics Laboratory (SSPL)
Residential address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Mr. Vishal Sharma |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Residential address:
Field of research: Polymer/Flexible Solar Cells and Nanotechnology
Email: |
Mr. Rajkumar |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Residential address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Ms. Sheetal Dewan |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Residential address:
Field of research: Semiconductor thin films based Heterojunctions for Photonic devices
Email: sheetaldewan90@gmail.com |
Active Researcher |
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mishra |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007.
Residential address:
Field of research: Semiconducting Quantum Dots
Email: mishrarake@gmail.com |
Former Ph.D Students |
Dr. Richa Sharma |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work Place:Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Poonam Pahuja |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work Place:Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Vinamrita Singh |
Job Title: Assistant Professor
Work Place: Department of Physics, Ramjas College, and Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:Polymer Photovoltaics
Email: vinamritasingh.phy@gmail.com |
Dr. Monika Kumari |
Job Title: Research Scholar
Work Place:
Field of research:
Residential Address:
Email: |
Dr. Parveen Garg |
Job Title:
Work Place:
Field of research:
Residential Address:
Email: |
Dr. Anuj Kumar |
Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
Work Place: National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba Japan
Residential Address:
Field of research: Search for new functional materials: Superconducting/magnetic/thermoelectric by HPHT technique
Telephone: +81-29-851-3354 (Extn. 8136)
Email: KUMAR.Anuj@nims.go.jp, anuj.quantum@gmail.com |
Dr. Raman Kashyap |
Job Title: Assistant Professor
Work Place: Ramjas College and Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research: High Dielectric Constant Material - CaCu3Ti4O12
Email: raman.phy@gmail.com |
Dr. Tanuj Dhawan
Job Title: Assistant Professor (Adhoc), Department of Physics, Hansraj College, University of Delhi
Work place: Hansraj College, Delhi
Residential address:
Field of research: III - V Semiconductor compounds and devices using Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) Technique
Telephone: 011-27121169 (R), 9891011363 (M)
Email: tanuj_physics@yahoo.com |
Dr. Sudeshna Bhattachrya |
Job Title:
Work place:
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Prikshit Gautam
Job Title: Post Doctoral Fellow
Work place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India, Inter university Accelrator centre, New Delhi
Residential address: C/O D R Gautam, D-198-motibagh -1,New Delhi-21
Field of research: Synthesis and characterization of Bi based layer structured (BLT) ferroelectric and Multferroics (BFO), thin films by sol-gel and PLD.
Telephone: +91-9871810585
Email: pgautam.phy.du@gmail.com, prikshitgautam1@yahoo.co.in |
Dr. Anupama Sachdeva |
Job Title: Associate Professor, Keshav MahaVidyalaya, University of Delhi
Office Location: Keshav MahaVidyalaya, H-4-5 Zone, Road No. 43, Pitampura near Sainik Vihar, Delhi - 110034
Residential address:
Field of research: Growth & charact. of PZT thin films by modified sol-gel technique
Email: anupama_sachdeva@hotmail.com |
Dr. Rakesh Joshi |
Job Title:
Work Place:
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Pankaj Kumar |
Job Title: Scientist
Work Place: Natioanl Physical Laboratory, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Roshan |
Job Title: Asistant Professor
Work Place: Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Komila Suri |
Job Title: Assistant Professor
Work Place: Shayam Lal College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Priyanka Heda |
Job Title: Scientist
Work Place: Natioanl Physical Laboratory, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. K. K. Bahri |
Job Title: Associate Professor
Work Place: Hansraj College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Ved Singh |
Job Title:
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Dr. V. K. Hans |
Job Title: Scientist
Work Place: Natioanl Physical Laboratory, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Amarjeet Kaur |
Job Title: Associate Professor
Work Place: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Ravender Tickoo |
Job Title: Lecturer
Work Place: Jammu University, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. P. Vind Kumar |
Job Title: Scientist
Work Place: DRDO, India
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |
Dr. Meera Satsangi |
Job Title:
Work Place:
Residential Address:
Field of research:
Email: |